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and the construction of a sanitary sewer system for <br /> the District, including water and sewer mains and <br /> lines, water storage tanks, a sewage collection <br /> system, sewer outfalls, interceptors and pumping <br /> stations, a sewage treatment plant, water and <br /> sewer service connections, and appurtenant buildings <br /> and facilities, and th~ acquisition of any necessary <br /> land, rights of way and equipment, and the levy of a <br /> tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> 2. <br /> <br />....., For the approval of the bond resolution adopted <br />. . by the Sanitary District Board of the <br />...... Kannapolis Sanitary District on October <br /> 1963, authorizing the issuing of not exceed- <br /> ing $60,000 General Obligation Fire Fighting <br /> Equipment and Apparatus Bonds for the pur- <br /> pose of providing funds, with any other available <br /> funds, for the purchase of fire fighting <br /> equipment and apparatus for the District, and <br /> the levy of a tax for the payment thereof· <br /> <br />...... Against the approval of the bond resolution adopted <br />. . by the Sanitary District Board of the <br />·..... Kannapolis Sanitary District on October 29, <br /> 1963, authorizing the issuing of not exceed- <br /> ing $60,000 General Obligation Fire Fighting <br /> Equipment and Apparatus Bonds for the pur- <br /> pose of providing funds, with any other available <br /> funds, for the purchase of fire fighting <br /> equipment and apparatus for the District, and <br /> the levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> 3. <br /> <br />...... For the approval of the bond resolution adopted <br />· . by the Sanitary District Board of the <br />· ..... Kannapolis Sanitary District on octobe, r 29, <br /> 1963, authorizing the issuing of not exceed- <br /> ing $56,000 General Obligation District <br /> Building Bonds for the purpose of providing <br /> funds, with any other available funds, for the <br /> construction of buildings for the District, <br /> to include fire station and office and other <br /> District facilities, and the acquisition of <br /> any necessary land and equipment therefor, <br /> and the levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br />...... Against the approval of the bond resolution adopted <br />· . by the Sanitary District Board of the Kannapolis <br />· ..... Sanitary District on October 29 , 1963, <br /> authorizing the issuing of not exceeding $56,000 <br /> General Obligation District Building Bonds for <br /> the purpose of providing funds, with any other <br /> available funds, for the construction of buildings <br /> for the District, to include fire station and <br /> <br /> -20- <br /> <br /> <br />