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office and other District facilities, and the acquisi- <br /> tion of any necessary land and equipment therefor, <br /> and the levy of a tax for the payment thereof. <br /> <br /> Facsimile of signature of <br /> Clerk of Board of Commissioners <br /> for the County of Cabarrus <br /> <br /> Facsimile of signature of <br /> Clerk of Board of Commissioners <br /> for the County of Rowan <br /> <br /> Commissioner ~Zf~; ~l~ moved the passage of <br /> <br />the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION CALLING A SPECIAL <br />ELECTION IN K~NNAPOLIS SANITARY DISTRICT", Commissioner ~ye~m_~ <br />seconded the motion, and the resolution was' passed by the following <br />vote: <br /> <br /> Noes: ~o^~- . <br /> <br /> -21- <br /> <br /> <br />