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the desire and purpose of the petitioners in requesting the closing of said <br />road. z~ay to use said roadway together with the adjoining property for a <br />large business enterprise w i~ich t,~,ill benefit the County of Cabarrus and <br />ali ?er$ons therein; th~.t ~mle~s the above ?ortion of Oklahoma Avenue is <br />close(i, ti~en a larife portion of petitioners' ~roperty can not be used for <br />said proposed business enterprise. <br /> <br /> 4. That the best interests of the people of Cabarrus County will be <br />served i)y the closing of the aforementioned portion of Oklahoma Avenue; <br />that the closing of said roadway is not contrary to the public interests and <br />no individual owning property in the vicinity of said roadway or in the sub- <br />division in ~rhich it is located will be deprived of reasonable n~eans of <br />ingress or egress to i~is property. <br /> <br /> That notice of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners <br /> <br />of Cabarrus County at which this matter of the closin~ of said roadway <br />heard .~pon the dully filed Petition of the petitioners ~as made once a week <br />for four weeks in The Concord Tribune, a newspaper published in Cabarrus <br />County, as evidenced by the .Affidavit of Publication made a part of the <br />Petition in this cause. <br /> <br /> 8. That all of petitioners' exhibits made a part of their Petition have <br /> been considered by the Board, including the testimony of petitioners and their <br /> counsel; that said Petition dated July 27, t966, and filed August 1, 1966, was <br /> made a part of the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners; <br /> that no person, firm or corporation appeared in person or by attorney, nor did <br /> anyone appear as the representative of a group to oppose the closing of the <br /> aforedescribed portion of O~ahoma Avenue. <br /> <br /> NO~¥~ TH]~REFORE, upon the motion duly made, seconded and carried <br /> by unanimous vote of all members of the Board of County Con, missioners of <br /> Cabarrus Count% it is ordered and adjudged: <br /> <br /> <br />