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trends, present conditions, and forces <br /> at work to cause changes in these con- <br /> ditions. <br /> <br /> (b) To prepare and from time to time amend <br /> and revise a comprehensive and coordinated <br /> plan for the physical development of <br /> the area; <br /> <br /> (c) To establish principles and policies <br /> for guiding action in the development <br /> of the area; <br /> <br /> (d) To prepare and recommend ordinances <br /> promoting orderly development along <br /> the lines indicated in the comprehensive <br /> plan; <br /> <br /> (e) To determine whether specific proposed <br /> developments referred to it by govern- <br /> mental or private agencies in the area <br /> conform to the principles and require- <br /> ments of the comprehensive plan for <br /> the area, and to make recommendations <br /> concerning them; <br /> <br /> (f) To keep the municipal and county governing <br /> boards and the general public informed <br /> and advised as to these matters; <br /> <br /> (g) To make any other recommendations which <br /> it sees fit for improving the develop- <br /> ment of the area; <br /> <br /> (h) To perform any other duties which may <br /> lawfully be assigned to it. <br /> <br /> IN CARRYING OUT SUCH POWERS AND DUTIES, SUCH BOARD: <br /> <br /> (a) May, within the limits of any funds ap- <br /> propriated to it, given to it, or <br /> otherwise made available to it, appoint <br /> such employees and engage such consul- <br /> tants as it may require; <br /> <br /> (b) May, within the limits of funds ap- <br /> propriated to it, given to it, or Other- <br /> wise made available to it, acquire pro- <br /> perty and materials for its use and <br /> incur other necessary expenses; <br /> <br /> (c) May authorize its agents or employees <br /> or members, in performance of their <br /> official duties, to enter upon lands <br /> and make examinations or surveys and <br /> maintain necessary monuments thereon; <br /> <br /> (d) May perform any of the actions authorized <br /> for county planning boards by Seclion 153-9 (40) <br /> and Chapter i53, Article 20B of the General <br /> Statutes of North Carolina, as amended· <br /> <br /> SECTION 2. Conflicts· All ordinances or resolutions or <br /> <br />:OH,SO,.~AV,S~,O,O, parts of ordinances or resolutions in conflict with this <br />ATTORNEYE AT LAW <br />E'CORE^NAVE..E.W. resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict <br />CONCORD, N.C. · <br /> <br /> SECTION 3. Validity Should any section or provision <br /> KANNAPOLIE, N.C. · <br /> <br /> 2 of this resolution be declared by the courts to be unconstitutio~al <br /> <br /> <br />