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south of the 90-degree bend in Jackson Street; thence with three <br /> <br />~lines of South Concord Sanitary District as follows: First, N. 5E. <br /> 840 feet, being 120 feet east of the center of Jackson Street; <br /> Second, N. 38 E. 560 feet to a point in the center of Rockwell Road; <br /> Third, N. 55 W. 250 feet to the northwest corner of the South Concord <br /> Sanitary District; thence N. 55 W. 190 feet to the point of BEGIN- <br /> <br /> The objects proposed'~to be accomplished by the creation <br /> of such sanitary district are the acquisition, construction, recon- <br /> struction, enlargement of, additions and extensions to, and the <br /> maintenance and operation of, a water system or systems, a san- <br /> itary sewer system or systems, sewage disposal or treatment plants, <br /> fire protection facilities and such other utilities as may be nec- <br /> essary and now or hereafter authorized by law for the preservation <br /> and promotion of the public health and sanitary welfare within the <br /> proposed district. <br /> <br /> At the time and place above stated any freeholder resident <br /> within the proposed sanitary district or any other interested per- <br /> son may appear and be heard. <br /> <br /> Dated this day of March, 1972. <br /> <br /> Chairman of Board of Commissioners <br /> for ~he County of Cabarrus, <br /> State of North Carolina <br /> <br /> <br />