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east of Roberta Road Bridge over Wolfmeadow Branch); thence with the <br />fence in a southerly direction 2670 feet to the junction of Jackson <br />Training School line fence (around a 1-acre lake); thence with the <br />Jackson Training School line fence, four lines: First , easterly 750 <br />feet; Second, southerly 950 feet; Third, northeasterly 3800 feet; <br />Fourth, easterly 1300 feet to the center of a branch; thence 1500 <br />feet in the same general direction (running into Jackson Street at <br /> <br />950 feet and thence with the center of Jackson Street in an easterly <br />direction to a point 220 feet from O19~ C,harlott~e~ ~oad); thence south <br />about 800 feet to Jackson Training School line; thence 1650 feet <br /> <br />east (crossing Old Charlotte Road at 3~20,~ f, eet ~gn~,the center line <br /> <br />of Southern Railway at 1550 feet) to 9 point in the eastern right- <br />of-way of Southern Railway; thence w~i~t,hi th, e eastern right-of-way of <br />the Southern Railway 1800 feet in a s,o, ut~he,r, ly~, /~,directi°n~, ~ to the cen- <br />ter of the N. C Hwy. N. 49 bridge ov, e,r,, Southern R~a~ilway; thence in a <br />northeasterly direction 2642 feet alo~g,~t~, center~ ~,line of N. C. <br />Highway No. 49 to a point in the cen,~e~ ,~i,n~9, oppo~<~,e the southeast <br />corner of Gordon Heights (Lot No 1,,, ~lp,qk ~A); t~n?,e with seven <br /> <br /> , 11- 749 feet; <br />lines of Gordon Heights as follows~ F,i~s~, N. ~ ~,,W. <br /> <br />Second, N. 77-04E. 483.4 feet; Thir,d~, ~,N~.12-16W. ~6.2~6 feet; Fourth, <br />S. 69-36 W. 900.6 feet; Fifth, N. 4~5~7, W. 597.fe.e~; ~Sixth, N. 46-41 <br />W. 698.4 feet; Seventh, N. 50-35 W.~ 427,,,,,,feet (cros~s~n~g the center <br />line of Southern Railway at 321.3 fe,ev,t)~ to the wegt, e~n edge of the <br /> <br /> feet North of t~e~ Hwy. No. 49 <br />Southern Railway right-of-way (3200 ~,,~,~ , ., <br /> <br />bridge):~; thence with the western right-of-way,~ ~ 3220~ .,:,~,eet in a northerly <br /> <br />direction to the southeastern corner of South Concord Sanitary Distric% <br />(the center of a branch, located 1150 feet south of. the point where <br />Southern Railway .goes under the Wilshire Drive Bridge!; thence with " <br />the branch, also the boundary of South Concord Sanitary District, <br /> <br /> 2700 feet (crossing Sunset Boulevard at 1900 feet and,,.Wilshire Drive <br /> <br />at 2200 feet) to a point in the branch, 100 feet east and 180 feet <br /> <br /> <br />