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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING <br /> ON THE <br /> PROPOSED CREATION OF A SANITARY DISTRICT <br /> IN CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br /> Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be <br /> <br />held at o'clock .M., on , 1972, <br /> <br />at , which <br /> <br />public hearing will be held by the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Cabarrus and a representative of the North Carolina State <br />Board of Health, upon a petition filed with the Board o.f Commissioners <br />for the County of Cabarrus, proP,osing the creg, t,~on of a sanitary dis- <br />trict. The territory proposed to be included in such sanitary dis- <br />t~ict is located in Cabarrus Count~,,,, Ngr~h Ca,,ro~,.ina, and the bOundaries <br />of such territory are as follows: <br /> <br /> BEGINNING at a point in the center of the intersection of <br /> <br />Old Charlotte Road and Rockwell and Union Cemetery Roads; thence <br /> <br />northeast 10.50 feet along the center of <br />.. Charlotte Road; thence <br /> <br />northwest 1850 feet to the north corner of Fleetwood Subdivision; <br />thence southwest 1340 feet with the Fleetwood line to the west cor- <br />ner of Fleetwood Subdivision; thence south 1200 feet (crossing Union <br />Cemetery Road at 200 feet) along the line of union Gr e Cemetery <br />to a point 150 feet south of Linden Avenue; thence southeasterly 1130 <br />feet (150 feet south of and parall~e~,, tg, Linde,n.~A~,,nue) to a point 510 <br />feet northwest of Roberta Road; then~q,e,,900 fee~, ,i~ ,a southwesterly <br />direction, 510 feet northwest of and P, arallel to~R, 9~erta Road; thence <br />southeasterly 335 feet to a point 175 feet northwest of Roberta Road; <br />thence 175 feet northwest of and parallel to Roberta Road 3900 feet <br />in a southwesterly direction to a point opposite the entrance to <br />Picture Park; thence south 175 feet to the center of Roberta Road; <br /> <br /> thence with the center of Roberta Road in a westerly direction 1800. <br /> feet to a point opposite a fence on the south side of the road, (said /"'· <br /> fence goes through C. D. Blackwelder, Jr. 's property and is 1500 feet <br /> <br /> <br />