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(b) That the territory described in said petition is <br /> <br />located in Cabarrus County and that no municipal corporation or <br />any part of the territory of a municipal corporation is included <br />in said territory. <br /> <br /> (c) That said petition was duly signed by 386 <br /> <br />freeholders residing within the proposed sanitary district and <br />that the number of resident freeholders who signed said petition <br />is more than 51% of the freeholders residing within said proposed <br />sanitary district. <br /> <br /> (d) That said petition requests the Board of Commis- <br /> <br />sioners for the County of Cabarrus to take all necessary action re- <br />quired by Article 12 of Chapter 130 of the General Statutes of North <br />Carolina for the creation of a sanitary district comprising the <br />territory described therein and sets forth the boundaries of the <br />proposed sanitary district and the objects proposed to be accom- <br />plished by the creation of such district. <br /> <br /> Section 2. That the Chairman of the Board of Commission- <br /> <br />ers for the County of Cabarrus is hereby authorized and directed <br />to notify the North Carolina State Board of Health of the receipt <br />of said petition and, with the State Health Director of said State <br />Board of Health to name a time and place within the proposed san- <br />itary district at which the Board of Commissioners for the County of <br />Cabarrus, and a representative of said State Board of Health shall <br />hold a joint public hearing concerning the creation of the proposed <br />sanitary district. <br /> <br /> Section 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commission- <br /> <br />ers for the County of Cabarrus is hereby authorized and directed to <br />give prior notice of such hearing by posting a notice at the Court- <br />house door of the County and also by publication in the Concord <br />Tribune, a newspaper published in Cabarrus County, at least once a <br />week for four successive weeks, which notice shall be 9ubstantially <br />in the following form: <br /> <br /> <br />