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to a point opposite a fence on the south side of the road, (said fence goes <br />through C. D. Blackwelder, Jr. 's prOperty and is 1500 feet east of Roberta <br />Road Bridge over Wolfmeadow Branch); thence with the fence in a southerly <br />direction 2670 feet to the junction of Jackson Training School line fence <br />(around a 1-acre lake); thence with the Jackson Training School line fence, <br />four lines: First, easterly 750 feet; Second, southerly 950 feet; Third, north- <br />easterly 3800 feet; Fourth, easterly 1300 feetto the center of a branch; <br />thence 1500 feet in the same general direction (running into Jackson Street at <br />950 feet and thence with the center of Jackson Street in an easterly direction <br />to a point 220 feet from Old Charlotte Road); thence south about 800 feet to <br />Jackson Training School line; thence 1650 feet east (crossing Old Charlotte.~ <br />Road at 320 feet and the center line of Southern Railway at 1550 feet) to a <br />point in the eastern right-of-way of Southern Railway; thence with the eastern <br />right-of-way of the Southern Railway 1800 feet in a southerly direction to the <br />center of the N. C. Hwy. No. 49 bridge over Southern Railway; thence in a <br />northeasterly direction 2642 feet along the center line of N. C. Highway No. 49 <br />to a point in the center line opposite the southeast corner of Gordon Heights <br />(Lot No. 1, Block A); thence with seven lines of Gordon Heights, as follows: <br />First, N. 11-15 W. 749 fe. et; Second, N. 77-04 E. 483.4 feet; Third, N. 12-16 <br />W. 362.6 feet; Fourth, S. 69-36 W. 900.6 feet; Fifth, N. 45-47 W. 597 feet; <br />Sixth, N. 46-41 W. 698.4 feet; Seventh, N. 50-35 W. 427 feet (crossing the <br />center line of Southern Railway at 321.3 feet) to the western edge of the Southcrn~ <br />Railway right-of-way (3200 feet North of the Hwy. No. 49 bridge); thence with <br />the western right-of-way 3220 feet in a northerly direction to the southeastern <br />corner of South Concord Sanitary District (the center of .a branch, located 1150 <br />feet south of the point where Southern Railway goes under the Wilshire Drive <br />Bridge); thence with the branch, also the boundary of South Concord Sanitary <br />District, 2700 feet (crossing Sunset Boulevard at 1900 feet and Wilshire Drive <br />at 2200 feet) to a point in the branch, 100 feet east and 180 feet south of thc <br />90-degree bend in Jackson Street; thence with three lines of South Concord <br />Sanitary District as follows: First, N. 5 E. 840 feet,, being 120 feet east of <br />the center of Jackson Street; Second, N. 38 E. 560 feet to a point in 'the centcr <br />of Rockwell Road; Third, N. 55 W. 250 feet to the northwest corner of thc <br />South Concord .Sanitary District; thence N. 55 W. 190 feet to thc point of BEGIN- <br />NING. <br /> <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br /> NAME ADDRESS <br /> <br /> <br />