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directly with and open into each other, and are operated as a unit. If the <br />business is moved or if the licensee sells to another, then a new license is <br />necessary, unless a special permit to continue ~usiness under the original <br />license is obtained from the Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br /> Section 7. License must be displayed. Every license shall be <br />kept prominently displayed at the place of business of the licensee named in <br />the license, or if the licensee has no fixed place of business, such licensee <br />must keep the same wherever such business is being operated and where it can <br />be inspected at any time by the proper municipal official. <br /> <br /> Section 8. No abatement of license tax. No license tax shall be <br />abated, nor shall any refund of any part thereof be made in any case, where <br />the licensee discontinues his business before the end of the period for which <br />such license was issued. <br /> <br /> Section 9. Penalties. License taxes levied under this ordinance <br />shall become due on the first day of July and, if not paid before the first <br />day of August, a penalty of 5% will be added for each thirty days until paid, <br />and each and every day any person, firms, or corporation shall continue to <br />exercise or engage in any business or trade shall be and constitute a distinct <br />and separate violation. <br /> <br /> Section 10. Fines. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any <br />of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon <br />conviction may be fined not more than $50.00 for each such offense. <br /> <br /> Section 11. Schedule of License Tax. On the following trades, <br />professions, agencies, business operations, and other subjects herein set <br />out, the following taxes shall be levied and collected: <br /> <br /> SCHEDULE <br /> <br />1. Amusements, Circuses, Etc. <br /> (Subject to approval of the Board of Aldermen) <br /> Not more than 2 cars or vehicles $ 15.00 <br /> 3 - 5 vehicles 22.50 <br /> 6 - 10' ' 45.00 <br /> 11 - 20 ' 62.50 <br /> 21 - 30 ' 87.50 <br /> 31 - 50 ' 125.00 <br /> Over 50 " 150.00 <br /> <br />2. Carnivals. (Per week subject to approval of <br /> Board of Aldermen) 150.00 <br /> <br />3. Phrenology. (Subject to approval of Sheriff) 500.00 <br /> <br />4. Cy~sies and/or Fortune Tellers. (Subject to <br /> approval of Sheriff) 500.00 <br /> <br />5. Employment Agencies. Emigrant 100.00 <br />6. Auctioneers of Jewelery. Per day 200.00 <br /> <br />7. Peddlers. (Non-residents of Cabarrus County, <br /> including non-resident principals, using local <br /> agents; per agent) 25.00 <br /> <br />8. Itinerant Salesman. (~ho shall expose for sale, <br /> either on the street,.or in any house, or other <br /> building, rented temporarily for that purpose, <br /> or in any vehicles, goods wares, or merchandise, <br /> whether as principal or agent.) (Per day) 100.00 <br /> <br />9. Oriental Goods or antiques. Itinerant agent <br /> or principal. 50.00 <br /> <br /> <br />