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~. ...~ AGENDA ITEM 10 <br /> <br /> PRIVILEGE LICENSE TAX ORDINANCE <br /> <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CONCORD: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Definitions. l~herever in this ordinance the words <br /> hereinafter defined or construed in this section are used, they shall, unless <br /> the context requires otherwise, be deemed to have the following meaning: <br /> (a) Agent - The person having the agency for the manufacturer, producer or <br /> distributor. (b) Business - Any business, trade, occupation, profession, <br /> avocation or calling of any kind, subject by the provisions of this ordinance <br /> to a license tax. (c) Engaged in the business - Engaged in the business as <br /> owner or operator. (d) Fiscal year - The period beginning with the first <br /> day of July and ending with the thirtieth day of June next following. <br /> (e) Person - Any person, firm, partnership, company or corporation. <br /> (f) ~a--~r - Any three consecutive months. <br /> <br /> Section 2. License Tax upon certain trades and business operations. <br /> In addition to the tax on property and polls, as otherwise p~ovided for, and <br /> under the power and authority conferred in the laws of North Carolina, there <br /> shall be levied and collected annually, or more often where provided for, a <br /> privilege license tax on trades, professions, agencies, business operation, <br /> exhibitions, circuses, and all subjects authorized to be licensed as set out <br /> in the following sections and schedule. All licenses shall be a personal <br /> privilege and shall not be transferable. Nothing herein contained shall be <br /> construed to prevent the Board of Aldermen from imposing from time to time, <br /> as they may see fit, Such license taxes as are not specifically herein defined, <br /> or from increasing or decreasing the amount of any special license tax, o~' from <br /> prohibiting and regulating the business or acts licensed; and all licenses are <br /> granted subject to the provisions of existing ordinances and those thereafter <br /> enacted. " <br /> <br /> Section 3. Unlawful to conduct business without a licenSe. It <br /> shall be unlawful for any person or his agent or servant to engage in or carry <br /> on business in the City of Concord, for which there is required a license, <br /> without first having paid the license tax and obtained the license. For the <br /> purpose of this section, the opening of a place of business or offering to sell, <br /> followed by a single sale or the doing of any such act or thing in the further- <br /> 'anc~ of.the business, shall be construed to be engaging in or carrying on such <br /> business; and each day that such person, firm or corporation shall engage in <br /> or carry on such business as aforesaid, shall be construed to be a separate <br /> Offense. <br /> <br /> Section 4. License tax shall be for 12 months. All taxes'provided <br /> f6r..and fixed in the following sections shall be for twelve months, unless <br /> otherwise, specified, and shall so remain for each year to come until changed <br /> b~.~the Board of Aldermen. All the licenses provided for shall date from the <br /> first day of July each and every year and shall expire on the thirtieth day <br /> of June the following year; provided, that where the license is issued after' <br /> the first day of February, then the licensee shall be required to pay one- <br /> half the tax prescribed, except where otherwise specifically provided.' <br /> <br /> Section 5. License required for every separate business. The <br /> payment of any particular tax imposed by this ordinance shall not relieve thc <br /> person paying same from the pa)nnent of any other tax imposed by this ordinance <br /> for any other business he may carry on, unless so provided by the section <br /> imposing such tax; it being the intent of this ordinance that license taxes <br /> prescribed by various sections or subsections of this ordinance applicable to <br /> any business shall be cumulative except where otherwise specifically provided. <br /> <br /> Section 6. License required for every separate business. A license <br /> issued for the privilege of conducting a business is only valid for the business <br /> conducted at the place and by the licensee named therein. Every person doing <br /> business in more than one factory, mill, ~arehouse, store, stall, stand or other <br /> place of business, shall secure a separate license for each such place of busi- <br /> ness, unless such places of business are continguous to each other, communicate <br /> <br /> <br />