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37 <br /> <br />maintained and kept in good order? Who is going to provide the equipment <br />for maintaining the areas in and around the runways? Who is going to mow <br />the grass and maintain the terrain and buildings? The Authority must think <br />the citizens of Cabarrus County are stupid if they believe this facility <br />will actually produce income which will have the effect of helping to hold <br />the ad valorem tax rate to a minimum. <br /> The Authority notes that a very important consideration in a success- <br />ful airport operation is the selection of a fixed base operator and further <br />notes that Cannon Aircraft Sales and Service, which is the largest and old- <br />est fixed base operator located at Douglas Airport in Charlotte, has express- <br />ed an interest in this phase of the operation. There is a lot of difference <br />between the expression of an interest and contracting to operate a base so <br />that the owner will receive a profit. We are informed and believe that the <br />Cannon Aircraft Sales and Service was sold during the last several years to <br />Thurston Motor Lines, Inc., because it was operating at a substantial deficit. <br /> Whether or not this business has operated atla profit since it has been <br />operating as a subsidiary of Thurston remains to be seen. <br /> The Authority suggests that the fixed base operation would offer a full <br />range of services including light, medium and heavy maintenance. This means <br />four-engine jets. Heavy maintenance is not necessary unless the facility is <br />to be used by aircraft which requires heavy maintenance equipment. <br /> It is our understanding that the Cabarrus County Airport Authority was <br />commissioned to make a study--FIRST, to determine whether there is in fact a <br />need for a General Aviation Airport in Cabarrus County; SECOND, if the need <br />exists, then to select a site for the proposed airport. <br /> The Authority has completely ignored the first and most important direc- <br />tive of its commission. It jumped to the second directive regarding the <br />selection of a site without obtaining a single piece of competent evidence <br />which would indicate a need for an airport in Cabarrus County. <br /> The only justification which the Authority has presented to you for an <br />airport in Cabarrus County is the fact that Cabarrus County is the largest <br />populated county east of the Mississippi River without a public airport. <br />Perhaps this is a distinction which we should zealously protect. <br /> If there is a need for an airport in Cabarrus CountY, let the Authority <br /> come forth with some facts rather than generalities without substance. <br /> Who are the individuals that have planes which will in fact be based <br />at an airport in Cabarrus County if one were available? Who are the individ- <br />uals in Cabarrus County that do not now own a plane, but who would acquire a <br />plane if there were an airport in Cabarrus County? What businesses are there <br />in Cabarrus County which now own planes which would be based in Cabarrus <br />County if an airport were available? What businesses are there in Cabarrus <br />County which do not now have planes, but which would acquire planes if there <br />were an airport in Cabarrus County? <br /> What is or will be the make and value of each of the foregoing planes; <br /> and what kind of rent will the individual and/or business establishment be <br /> willing to pay to store their planes in Cabarrus County? <br /> With this kind of information, one can act intelligently, but without <br /> such information it would be foolish to undertake such a project; the wisest <br /> teacher and counselor who ever walked upon the face of the earth said, "For <br /> which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth <br /> the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? <br /> "Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish <br /> it, all that behold it begin to mock him. ." (LUKE 15:28-29) <br /> In conclusion, the Airport Authority would have you believe that the <br /> approval and development of an airport at the proposed site would create an <br /> abundance of revenue from ad valorem taxes, would increase the value of the <br /> property in and around the area in question, and would provide the people of <br /> Cabarrus County with a needed facility. <br /> On the other hand, the concerned citizens contend that the airport which <br /> will be a public facility, not subject to ad valorem tax, will remove from the <br /> tax books 130 acres, of a 1200 acre tract presently valued by the owner at <br /> $2,500 per acre, but which appears on the tax books at only $380.05 per acre <br /> and which has a potential for development in the not too distant future as a <br /> prime residential area with substantially increased tax values. At the present <br /> moment, one developer alone has in one subdivision 6 houses under construction, <br /> valued at $250,000.00 with plans for 50 homes during the next five years at a <br /> value of $2,500,000.00. And in a second development, he has 5 houses under <br /> construction valued at $325,000.00 with projected plans for 125 houses during <br /> the next five years with a value of $7,750,000.00. <br /> The proposal, if adopted, will put an end to these plans and will destroy <br /> the peace and tranquility of community life in an area which includes a large <br /> elementary school and two houses of worship, one of which has existed for more <br /> than 200 years. <br /> <br /> <br />