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272 <br /> <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to pledge surplus funds in the amount <br />of $36,559.40 to fulfill the contract for Alt. #1 on the bid contract less <br />Emergency Operation Center (EOC) equipment for Building "B" and to authorize <br />Mr. George Griffin, Architect to negotiate the contract on Building "B". <br />Chairman Hawfield was authorized to sign the contract. <br /> Mr. Griffin was present to submit information to the Board on the <br />carpet bids which had been received for Building "B". He stated that the <br />cost of this carpet had already been figured into the General Contractor's <br />fee; therefore, the Board needed to take no action on this matter. The <br />bids were as follows: <br /> <br />Eatmen's Inc., Raleigh <br />Custom Interiors, Concord <br /> <br />$6,324.00 <br />$6,588.00 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Milloway <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request submitted by the <br />Kannapolis Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Grier Bradshaw, approving land <br />which had been purchased by the Kannapolis School Board as a future sight <br />for a junior high school. <br /> County Manager, Mr. Charles D. McGinnis, reported on the bids which <br />were received for the paving of Opal and Mona Streets as follows: <br /> <br />Legal Advertisement Dates: <br />October 10, 1978 <br />October 20, 1978 <br /> <br />BID TABULATION <br /> <br /> BID OPAL MONA TOTAL <br />VENDOR BOND STREET STREET BID <br /> <br />Blythe Industries, Inc. X <br />Propst Construction Co., Inc. X <br /> <br />$14,059 $4,161 $18,220 <br />$10,322 $2,322 $12,644 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Hammett, seconded by Commissioner Cook <br />and unanimously carried, the Board awarded the contract to the low bidder, <br />Propst Construction Company, Inc. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Hammett, seconded by Commissioner McClary <br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to transfer $2,054.30 from the <br />Commissioners' Contingency Fund to special appropriations for the 1978-79 <br />fiscal year to be ~ed for the certification of the Historic Survey and <br />Planning Grant Application. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Hammett <br />and unanimously carried, the Board authorized the District Attorney of <br />the 19th Judicial District to submit a grant application of a mini com- <br />puter to the Governor's Crime Commission, Division of Crime Control, <br />Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. The total cost of this <br />system was stated to be $9,800.00 with the County's 5% match or $490.00 <br />coming from the Court Facilities Fees budget. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner McClary <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following resolution: <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br />PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION <br /> <br />SECTION.i: CREATION; NAME; NUMBER OF MEMBERS <br /> There is hereby created a Park and Recreation Committee composed of <br />nine (9) citizens of the unit, to be known as the Recreation Committee. <br />SECTION 2: COMMITTEE; POWERS AND DUTIES <br /> The Park and Recreation Committee shall serve as the advisory body for <br />the Department of Parks and Recreation and the County of Cabarrus. The <br />Committee shall suggest policies to the Department, the Manager and the <br />governing body, within its powers and responsibilities as stated in this <br />ordinance. The Committee shall serve as a liaison between the Department, <br />the Manager, the Governing Body~of the unit and citizens of the community. <br />The Committee shall consult with and advise the Department, the Manager and <br />the'Governing Body in matters affecting recreation policies, program, per- <br />sonnel, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties <br />related to the total community recreation program, and to its long-range, <br />projected program for recreation. <br /> The Park and Recreation Committee shall assume duties for recreation <br />purposes, as follows: Make recommendations; (1) for the establishment of <br />a system of supervised recreation, for the unit; (2) to set apart for use <br />as parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation <br />areas and structures, any lands or buildings owned by or leased to the unit, <br />and for approval by the unit's authorized body, and may suggest improvements <br /> <br /> <br />