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27-~ <br /> <br />of such lands and for the construction and for the equipping and staffing <br />of such buildings and structures as may be necessary to the recreation <br />program within those funds allocated to the Department; (3) and advise <br />in the acquisition of lands and structures through gifts, purchase, lease <br />or loan; (4) and advise in the acceptance by the unit of any~grant, gift, <br />bequest or donation, any personal or real property offered or made avail- <br />able for recreation purposes and which is judged to be of present or pos- <br />sible future use for recreation. Any gift, bequest of money or other pro- <br />perty, any grant, devise of real or personal property so acquired shall be <br />held, by the unit, used and finally disposed of in accordance with the <br />terms under which such grant, gift or devise is made and accepted; (5) <br />and advise in the construction, equipping, operation, and maintenance of <br />parks, playgrounds, recreation centers and all buildings and structures <br />necessary or useful to Department function, and will advise in regard to <br />other recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the unit or <br />leased or loaned, to the unit. <br />SECTION 3: APPOINTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE <br /> Each member of the Committee shall be appointed by the Cabarrus <br />County Board of Commissioners with geographic representation in so far as <br />possible. <br />SECTION 4: LENGTH OF APPOINTMENT <br /> Each member shall be appointed for a three-year term. Initial ap- <br />pointments shall be arranged so that approximately one-third of the terms <br />will expire each year, except for the representative from the governing <br />body of the unit who shall serve on the Recreation Committee concurrent <br />with his term of office on the Governing Body. Members are eligible for <br />reappointment, but not to exceed two consecutive terms. <br />SECTION 5: MEETINGS <br /> Commission meetings shall be held on a monthly basis unless when <br />determined otherwise by the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee <br />or, in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, may call a special meeting of the <br />Committee at any time by giving each member 24 hour notice. Special me- <br />etings will be scheduled upon request by four or more Committee members. <br />A quorum of the Committee shall be in attendance before action of an <br />official nature can be taken. A quorum is at least 1 more than the number <br />absent, of the appointed members. <br />SECTION 6: ATTENDANCE OF MEMBERS <br /> An appointed member who misses more than three (3) consecutive re- <br />gular meetings loses hislstatus as a member~of the Committee until re- <br />appointed or replaced by the governing body of the unit. Absences due <br />to sickness, death, or other emergencies of like nature shall be regarded <br />as approved absences and shall not effect the member's status on the Com- <br />mittee except that in the event of a long illness, or other such cause <br />for prolonged absence, the member may be replaced. <br />SECTION 7: COMPENSATION <br /> Committee members shall serve without monetary compensation. <br />Members shall be reimbursed for travel and subsistence to professional <br />recreation meetings, conferences and workshops, with such reimbursement <br />being made in compliance with the general policies of the unit. <br />SECTION 8: OFFICERS <br /> There shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee. An <br /> annual election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be h~ld by the <br /> Committee members and shall occur at the regular monthly meeting in July. <br /> Officers shall serve for one year from election with eligibility for re- <br /> election. New officers shall take office at the subsequent regular me- <br /> eting in August. In the event an officer's appointment to the Committee <br /> is terminated, a replacement to this office shall be elected by the Com- <br /> mittee, from its membership, at the meeting following the termination. <br /> The Director of Parks and Recreation shall serve as Secretary of the Com- <br /> mittee. <br /> SECTION 9: OFFICERS DUTIES <br /> The Committee Chairman shall preside at all meetings and sign all <br /> documents relative to action taken by the Committee. The Chairman shall <br /> appoint all sub-committees including a nominating committee composed of <br /> two Committee members. A nominating committee shall be appointed at least <br /> thirty days prior to the July meeting. <br /> When the Chairman is absent the Vice-Chairman shall perform the <br /> duties of the Chairman. When both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are <br /> absent a temporary Chairman shall be selected by those members who are <br /> present. <br /> The Director of Parks and Recreation shall serve as Secretary to the <br /> Committee. He may delegate all or part of these duties to another Depart- <br /> ment employee with the approval of the Committee but shall hold the office <br /> <br /> <br />