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275 <br /> <br /> STATEMENT OF THE RESULTS <br /> of the <br /> SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM <br /> held in the <br /> COUNTY OF CABARRUS, NORTH CAROLINA <br /> on November 7, 1978 <br />UPON THE QUESTIONS OF APPROVING $18,700,000 BONDS <br /> <br /> At a special bond referendum held in the County of Cabarrus on November <br />7, 1978, 33,573 voters were registered and qualified to vote. <br /> At said referendum 6502 votes were cast for the order adopted on August <br />22, 1978, authorizing not exceeding $9,800,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds of the <br />County of Cabarrus, North Carolina, for the purpose of providing funds, with <br />any other available funds, for constructing a portion of a sanitary sewer <br />system for said County, including the construction of a sewage treatment <br />plant, the construction of sewage outfall mains, sewage interceptor mains, <br />sewage force mains, sewage pumping stations and appurtenant facilities to <br />transport sewage to said plant and a sewage treatment plant to be constructed <br />by the City of Concord, North Carolina for treatment, and the acquisition of <br />necessary land, rights of way, and equipment, and authorizing the levy of <br />taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on <br />said bonds, and 6545 votes were cast against said order, and a majority of <br />the qualified voters of said County who voted thereon at said referendum having <br />voted against the approval of said order, said order was not approved. <br /> At said referendum 8131 votes were cast for the order adopted on August <br />22, 1978, authorizing not exceeding $8,000,000 School Bonds of the County of <br />Cabarrus, North Carolina, for the purpose of providing funds, with any other <br />available funds, for erecting additional school buildings and other school <br />plant facilities, remodeling, enlarging and reconstructing existing school <br />buildings and other school plant facilities, and acquiring any necessary <br />land and equipment therefor, in order to provide additional school facilities <br />in said County to maintain the nine months' school term as required by <br />Section 2 of Article IX of the Constitution, and authorizing the levy of <br />taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on <br />said bonds, and 4787 votes were cast against said order, and a majority <br />of the qualified voters of said County who voted thereon at said referendum <br />having voted in favor of the approval of said order, said order was thereby <br />approved and is in force and effect. <br /> At said referendum 6556 votes were cast for the order adopted on August <br />22, 1978, authorizing not exceeding $900,000 Water Bonds of the County of <br />Cabarrus, North Carolina, for the purpose of providing funds, with any other <br />available funds, for constructing a portion of a water system for said <br />County, inclnding the drilling of a well field, the construction of a water <br />pumping station, an~ielevated water storage tank, a water distribution main <br />and appurtenant facilities, and the acquisition of necessary land, rights <br />of way, and equipment, and authorizing the levy of taxes in an amount suf- <br />ficient to pay the principal of and the interest on said bonds, and 6562 <br />votes were cast against said order, the a majority of the qualified voters <br />of said County who voted thereon at said referendum having voted against the <br />approval of said order, said order was not approved. <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> for the <br /> County of Cabarrus, North Carolina <br /> Section 2. The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners shall file a copy <br /> of the foregoing statement of the results of said referendum in her office <br /> and shall publish such statement once in The Concord Tribune. A statement <br /> substantially in the following form shall be published with the foregoing <br /> statement: <br /> Any action or proceeding challenging the regularily or validity of <br /> this bond referendum must be begun within 30 days after (date of publication.) <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> for the <br /> County of Cabarrus, North Carolina <br /> Section 3. This resolution shall take effect upon its passage. <br /> Upon motion of Commissioner McClary, seconded by Commissioner Cook, <br /> the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE <br /> SPECIAL BOND REFERENDUM HELD IN THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS ON NOVEMBER 7, 1978 <br /> UPON THE QUESTIONS OF APPROVING $18,700,000 BONDS" was passed by the following <br /> vote: <br /> Ayes: Commissioners McClary, Cook, Hammett, Milloway, and Hawfield. <br /> Noes: None. <br /> <br /> <br />