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282 <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE ANNEXATION OF <br />TERRITORIES TO KANNAPOLIS SANITARY DISTRICT <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR THE COUNTY OF CABARRUS: <br /> Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabarrus <br />has determined and does hereby find and declare: <br /> (a) That on December 4, 1978, a resolution was received from the Sani- <br />tary District Board of the Kannapolis Sanitary District relating to the <br />annexation of territory to the Kannapolis Sanitary District. <br /> (b)' That the territories described in the various petitions consist <br />of the following: <br /> (1) The property of Kiser Beaver Real Estate, Inc. located on the <br /> north side of Sunset Drive and west side of Oakwood Avenue, <br /> Cabarrus County, North Carolina. <br /> (2) The property of Olga L. Castor and others located on the north <br /> side of Centergrove Road, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. <br /> (3) The property of Ray Coggins and others located on the south- <br /> western side of Ontario Road and the western side of Little <br /> Texas Road, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. <br />(c) That each petition was signed by all property owners within the <br /> area requested to be annexed. <br /> (d) That each petition requests that all necessary action re- <br />quired by Article 12 of Chapter 130 of the Genera% Statutes of North <br />Carolina for the extension of the boundaries of the Kannapolis Sanitary <br />District be taken so as to annex the territory described in the petition <br />unto the Kannapolis Sanitary District. <br /> (e} That it is for the best interest of the Kannapolis Sanitary Dis- <br />trict and the various territories requested to be annexed unto the Kanna- <br />polis Sanitary District that said territories be included within the boun- <br />daries of the Kannapolis Sanitary District and receive the services of the <br />Sanitary District. <br /> Section 2. That the Board of Commissioners for the County of Cabar- <br />rus does hereby approve the annexation of each of the territories described <br />in the petitions unto the Kannapolis Sanitary District and does hereby recom- <br />mend to the North Carolina Commission for Health Services that it approve <br />the annexation of the territories unto the Kannapolis Sanitary District. <br /> Section 3. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners for the <br />County of Cabarrus is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution <br />to the Director, Division of Health Services, Department of Human Resources, <br />State of North Carolina. <br /> Thereupon, upon motion of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner <br />Lentz, the foregoing resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE <br />ANNEXATION OF TERRITORIES TO KANNAPOLIS SANITARY DISTRICT" was passed <br />by the following vote: <br /> Ayes: Chairman Cook, Commissioners Bonds, Lentz, Allen, and Milloway <br /> Noes: None <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Allen and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following resolution as pre- <br />sented to the Board by Mr. John Harvey, Director of Planning and Economic <br />Development for Centralina Council of Governments: <br /> A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 'AND AGREEING TO PARTICIPATE <br /> IN THE AREAWIDE HOUSING OPPORTUNITY PLAN OF THE <br /> CENTRALINA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS. <br />WHEREAS, this is a need for providing assistance to residents of Cabarrus <br /> County and its municipalities in housing and community develop- <br /> ment, and <br />WHEREAS, the Centralina Council of Governments composed of fifty local <br /> general purpose governments has adopted a regional housing plan <br /> setting forth goals and objectives, and <br />WHEREAS, the Centralina Council of Governments has prepared an Areawide <br /> Housing Opportunity Plan and it is to the advantage of many <br /> local governments in this region that such a Plan exist for the <br /> ~.~ benefits therefrom, and <br />WHEREAS, Cabarrus County has a Community Development Program together <br /> with its Housing Assistance. Plan and has been awarded a Com- <br /> munity Development Grant by the U.S. Department of Housing and <br /> Urban Development and accordingly has an on-going program for <br /> accomplishment of this Community Development Program together <br /> with its Housing Assistance Plan; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DECLARED: <br /> That the governing body of Cabarrus County finds our Housing <br /> Assistance Plan generally consistent with the <br /> annual and three-year goals by housing type and the three- <br /> year goals by household type as shown in this Areawide Housing <br /> <br /> <br />