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281 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner Lentz <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board appointed the following County residents <br /> to the Cabarrus County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee: <br /> Mrs. Wilma Lindsay <br /> Mrs. Sylvia Smith <br /> Miss Naomi Tillman <br /> Mrs. William (Donna) Udovich <br /> Mr. Bunny Moss was present to speak on behalf of the Cabarrus County <br /> Home Builders Association and the Cabarrus County Board of Realtors in <br /> requesting that the Board appoint a member of these two organizations to <br />the Planning Board with full voting membership. Chairman Cook thanked <br />Mr. Moss for coming and indicated that this request would be taken under <br /> consideration. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Bonds <br /> and unanimously carried, the Building Committee was requested to investi- <br /> gate and report to the Board at its January meeting on the additional space <br /> needed for Judicial Offices as the County will be gaining an additional <br /> Judge in January and adequate office space is required. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner Bonds <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board moved to accept Chairman Cook, Commis- <br /> sioner Lentz, and Commissioner Allen as members of the Building Committee. <br /> Mr. Albert J. Klimas, Director of the Cabarrus County Health Depart- <br /> ment, was present to recommend the transfer of the Solid Waste Franchise <br /> from the Davis Disposal Service to J & F Disposal Company and to waive the <br /> hearing on this matter in lieu of this action. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by CommiSsioner Allen <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board moved to adopt the following resolu- <br /> tion: "Upon the recommendation of the Cabarrus County Health Director, <br /> Mr. Albert J. Klimas, the County Commissioners approve the transfer of <br /> the Solid Waste franchise from the Davis Dsiposal Service to J & F <br /> Disposal Company to be effective December 31, 1978." <br /> Mr. Klimas was also present to report on the results of the bids <br /> for the mobile dental clinic which were as follows: <br /> <br />One bid on the trailer unit by: <br />Medical Coaches, Inc. <br /> <br />$56,135.00 <br /> <br />Two bids were received on the equipment <br /> nec~sSaryto furnish the trailer, and <br /> are as follows: <br /> Healthco Dental Supply, Charlotte <br /> Thompson Dental Supply Co., Charlotte <br /> <br />$19,854.01 <br />$20,311.83 <br /> <br />Mr. Klimas stated that it is the recommendation of the Board of Health to <br />reject the trailer bid, as it exceeds the $80,000.00 projected five-year <br />budget figure. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner Allen <br />with Commissioner Bonds voting "No", the Board authorized the Health <br />Department to negotiate with Medical Coaches, Inc., for a lease-purchase <br />agreement for the trailer and financing not to exceed $64,100.00 over a <br />five-year period. <br /> Mr. Charles D. McGinnis reported to the Board a request which had <br />been received from the Concord City Schools that the Commissioners initiate <br />proceedings for the sale of one million dollars of bonds to be used for <br /> the purpose of school improvements in the Concord City Schools. Mr. <br /> McGinnis recommended that the Board authorize a three million dollar <br /> issuance rather than a one million dollar issuance at this time. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Bonds and unanimously carried, the Board moved to authorize the sale of <br /> three million dollars for the purpose of school improvements for Concord <br /> City and Cabarrus County School Systems. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Milloway, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Bonds and unanimously carried, the Board moved to amend the budget to <br /> pledge surplus funds in the amount of $56,484.32 to fulfill the contract <br /> for Alt. #1 on the bid contract less the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) <br /> equipment for Building limB" instead of the $36,559.40 figure which had <br /> been incorrectly submitted to the Board on November 9, 1978. <br /> B.S. Brown, Jr., representing the Kannapolis Sanitary District, <br /> presented the following resolution which was read: <br /> <br /> <br />