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447 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Lentz reported that he had visited the Stonewall Jackson <br />Park site on the afternoon of September 8, 1980 and had found that the soil <br />test sites did not correspond with the twelve (12) sites 'designated on the <br />test rating sheets submitted to the County by Mr. Robin Hayes. Having found <br />no indentations in the soil to indicate that test borings were made on the <br />filled area, Commissioner Lentz contacted the Raleigh office of Soil and <br />Material Engineers, Inc., and learned that persons in that office knew nothing <br />about the testing. He then contacted Mr. Tat Fearing, local engineer with <br />Soil and Material Engineers, Inc., on site at the Philip Morris location, who <br />told him that the soil samples were not taken in the designated area as marked <br />by flags and that the type of test run was not adequate type testing for place- <br />ment of facilities which would have any load weight. Commissioner Lentz stated <br />that test information approved by Mr. Gardner Gidley, Recreation Planning Consultant, <br />was false information. Commissioner Lentz pointed out that there was no work <br />order number, no signature of technician doing the work, and no depth of samples <br />indicated on the test result sheets. He stated "we have got the shaft" on work <br />performed at the park site. <br /> Commissioner Bonds questioned the legality of a letter written by Chairman <br /> Cook as a result of a telephone poll of Commissioners rather than action taken <br /> at an official Board meeting. This letter to Metric Construction Company stated <br /> that Cabarrus County was satisfied with the work completed by Palmer Mountain <br /> Farms, Inc. Chairman Cook stated he had telephoned all Commissioners after <br /> receiving a letter ~f approval from Mr. Gardner Gidley, and on the basis of <br /> Mr. Gidley's approval of the tests run at the site, three (3) Board members - <br /> Commissioners Milloway and Allen and Chairman Cook - had not objected to the <br /> money being released by Metric Construction Company as the County had not <br /> requested that the money be held by Metric. Mr. John Boger, County Attorney, <br /> informed the Board that official action has to be taken at a Board meeting. He <br /> stated that the County had no legal claim to the money held by Metric Construction <br /> Company. Mr. Boger also advised the Board that Mr. Robin Hayes is still bound <br /> to the written contract of May 15, 1980 as the Board has not approved the work <br /> which was performed at the Stonewall Jackson Park site by Palmer Mountain Farms, <br /> Inc. <br /> The following motion made by Commissioner Bonds failed for lack of second: <br /> That we get Mr. Hayes to do these borings like we requested or we take action <br /> against him. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Chairman Cook and unanimously <br /> carried, the Board instructed Mr. Charles McGinnis, County Manager, to contact <br /> Mr. Tat Fearing of Soil and Material Engineers, Inc., to verify the compaction <br /> tests run at the park site; and if he finds that the tests were performed in an <br /> improper manner, the Board directed that he take the proper steps to see that the <br /> testing is done correctly and the work at the site is completed as quickly as <br /> possible by Mr. Robin Hayes in accordance with the contract of May 15, 1980 <br /> between Palmer Mountain Farms, Inc., and Cabarrus County. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br /> was adjourned. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />