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474 <br /> <br />December 3, 1962, the County Auditor was authorized to perform <br />these duties; and whereas, it is the desire of the Board of <br />Commissioners of Cabarrus County to provide that the Comptroller <br />of the Cabarrus Memorial Hospital be authorized to perform the <br />duties conferred on the County Treasurer by Chapter 307 of the <br />1935 Session Laws; <br /> <br /> IT IS, THEREFORe, RESOLVED: <br /> <br /> 1. That the Comptroller of Cabarrus Memorial Hospital is <br />authorized and directed to perform the duties conferred on the <br />County Treasurer by Chapter 307 of the 1935 Session Laws including <br />the signing of all checks and drafts on the Hospital Maintenance <br />Fund. <br /> <br /> 2. That the Comptroller of Cabarrus Memorial Hospital furnish <br />monthly to the Cabarrus County Administrative Office registers of <br />the Maintenance Fund. <br /> <br /> Chairman Bonds adjourned the meeting at 12:00 P.M. for lunch. <br /> The Board members visited the site of the proposed County service garage <br />on Union Cemetery Road at 1:00 P.M. <br /> The meeting reconvened at 1:30 P.M. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room <br />at the Courthouse. <br />Commissioner liaison reports were given by members of the Board. <br />Commissioner Lentz reported that the committee appointed to investigate <br />the purchase of a well for the Stonewall Jackson Recreation Park had met <br />with the owner of the property and had determined that the proposal for the <br />purchase of the well was unacceptable to the County. <br /> Mr. John Boger, County Attorney, reported that he had met with Mr. Otto <br />Stolz, attorney for Mr. Robin Hayes, to discuss the Stonewall Jackson Park <br />property. He stated that a meeting would be scheduled in the near future to <br />discuss a proposed agreement. <br /> Commissioner Nash made the motion for the Board to direct the County <br />Attorney to formulate a resolution stating the Board's support of statewide <br />secondhand precious metat regulations to be forwarded to the General Assembly <br />There was no second to this motion. <br /> The Board instructed the County Manager to write a letter to the members <br />of the Cabarrus County legislative delegation stating the Board's support <br />of increasing the discount rate for the early payment of County taxes and <br />increasing ~t h e interest rate for the late payment of taxes as well as <br />expressing the Board's support of statewide secondhand precious metal regulations. <br /> The Board discussed possible ways of improving the collection of delinquent <br /> taxes by the County. The Board agreed that Mr. John Boger, County Attorney, <br /> should proceed with legal action for delinquent tax accounts. In addition, <br /> the Board authorized the hiring of someone with the capacity to work on delinquent <br /> tax accounts to fill the vacant budgeted position that now exists in the Tax <br /> Collector's Office. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board accepted the study~ of telephone systems in <br /> County offices as prepared by the Concord Telephone Company and authorized <br /> the County Manager to proceed with the recommended changes for each department <br /> as outlined in the report. <br /> Mr. Charles McGinnis, County Manager, reported that he had talked with <br /> Dr. Donald Hayman of the Institute of Government regarding a job classification <br /> survey of County employees. According to Mr. McGinnis, Dr. Hayman had stated <br /> that the Institute could conduct such a survey analysis for the County with <br /> an expected completion date of September, 1981 and at a fee of approximately <br /> $4,000.00. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Lentz and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board authorized the Institute of Government to <br /> proceed with a survey analysis of the County Job Classification and Pay Plan. <br /> The Board reviewed a transcript of that portion of the meeting of <br /> December 1, 1980 of the motion granting the $2,000.00 annual salary increase <br /> for the Sheriff, Register of Deeds, and Veterans Service Officer. The minutes <br /> were approved as written. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br /> unanimously carried, the meeting was a~journed. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />