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UPON MOTION of commissioner Nash, seconded by Commissioner Cook and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted a resolution of intent to be directed <br />to the North Carolina Arts Council stating that the Board of Commissioners <br />of Cabarrus County nominates the Cabarrus Arts Council, Inc., to be the <br />Local Distributing Agent for any and all funds for the grassroots program <br />to be directed to cabarrus County through the North Carolina Arts Council. <br /> Presentation by officials of Stanly Technical Institute was deferred <br />until a later meeting. <br /> The motion made by Commissioner Cook to defer action on the proposed <br />Minimum Housing Code until the next meeting with the possibility of setting <br />a public hearing at that time failed for lack of second. <br /> No review of the proposed Minimum Housing Code was made at this time. <br />The Board discUssed the possibility of reviewing the proposed ordinance <br />at the called meeting to be held on JanuarY 6, 1982. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Cook and <br />unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, <br />January 25, 1982, in the Superior Courtroom in the County Courthouse for <br />the proposed Minimum Housing Code. <br /> Chairman Bonds announced there would be a called meeting at 6:30 P.M. <br />on January 5 and January 6, 1982, for the Board to continue review of the <br />proposed Zoning Ordinance. He stated the Board could possibly review the <br />proposed Minimum Housing Code at the meeting on January 6, 1982, if the <br />Board completed review of the proposed Zoning Ordinance on January 5, 1982. <br /> Officer Terry Black of the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department presented <br />information regarding various types of bulletproof vests and costs to the <br />Board. He proposed that the Board consider the feasibility of offering a <br />reimbursement of $100.00 to officers who choose to purchase a bulletproof <br />vest. Officer Black recommended that officers repay the County for the <br />vest on a prorated basis upon termination of employment with the County. <br /> The Board received Officer Black's proposal as information and no action <br />was taken regarding the matter at this time. Officer Black and Commissioner <br />Lentz are to present more information regarding bulletproof vests at a later <br />date. <br /> Commissioner Nash introduced discussion of road improvements in Cabarrus <br /> County by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. He expressed <br /> displeasure that the Transportation Improvement Program proposed by the State <br /> for the next ten years included no road construction projects and only five <br /> bridge replacement projects. <br /> Commissioner Cook stated concern that the State Highway Department <br /> made only a small percentage of improvements to Cabarrus County roads during <br /> the past year while roads in adjoining counties were extensively improved. <br /> Mr. W. S. Chandler, Jr., Planning Director, reported that he had <br /> been informed that representatives of the State Highway Department would <br /> be in Cabarrus County the week of January 20 to begin the Western By-pass <br /> Corridor Study for that section north of 1-85 to the County line rather <br /> than conducting the entire study as originally proposed. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Lentz and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board directed that a letter be written to the <br /> Secretary of the North Carolina Board of Transportation with copies going <br /> to local elected representatives in Raleigh to set up an appointment for <br /> Chairman Bonds and Commissioner Nash to meet with the Secretary of <br /> Transportation to determine why Cabarrus County is not receiving what the <br /> County should have in the matter of road improvements and to express <br /> strong dissatisfaction of the Board of Commissioners with the Transportation <br /> Improvement Program which has been proposed for the next ten years. <br /> The Board agreed that the study of the Western By-Pass from 1-85 <br /> North to County line should proceed as planned at the present time with <br /> steps to be taken to enlarge the study to its original plan. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Nash, seconded by Commissioner Lentz and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into Executive Session to discuss <br /> the acquisition of land. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Nash and <br /> unanimously carried, the Executive Session was terminated. <br /> Chairman Bonds reported, that no action had been taken by the Board <br /> during the Executive Session. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br /> was adjourned. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Boar~ <br /> <br /> <br />