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165 <br /> <br /> The elective officers of the Council shall be a Chairman, a Vice- <br />Chairman, and a Secretary who shall perform the duties which usually pertain <br />to their respective offices. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote <br />of the Council at a regular meeting during the month of November. Nomi- <br />nations will be submitted by a nominating committee. Nominations may be <br />made from the floor by any member, provided the consent of the nominee has <br />previously been obtained. The newly elected officers shall assume their <br />duties at the completion of the November meeting. The Chairman shall <br />serve a one year term and can be reelected to the same office. All other <br />officers shall serve a one year term and may be reelected. The Chairman <br />of the Council shall preside at the meetings and shall assist all Committee <br />Chairmen in establishing and carrying out the duties of their respective <br />committees. The Vice-Chairman shall preside in the absence of the Chairman <br />and shall perform such duties as are assigned by the Chairman. Should the <br />office of the Chairman be vacated for any reason, the Vice-Chairman shall <br />fill the unexpired term of office and a Chairman shall be elected by the <br />Council. The Secretary shall keep a current roster of all members, record <br />their attendance at meetings and record all minutes, and shall notify <br />members of meeting dates. <br /> <br /> Any member who fails to attend at least 75 percent of the regular <br />meetings, except for excused illness, or other extraordinary circumstances, <br />of the Council during any one-year period shall be automatically removed <br />from the Council. Vacancies resulting from a member's failure to attend the <br />required number of meetings shall be filled as provided herein. The <br />Chairman of the Council will notify the proper appointing authority if a <br />member is absent 25 percent of the meetings, and an appointment will be <br />made by the appointing authority to fill that vacancy. <br /> <br /> There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the Officers. The <br />Executive Board may meet between sessions of the Council as many times as <br />necessary to assure the efficient operation of the Council. Actions of <br />the Executive Board must be reported at the following session of the Council <br />and are subject to revision or reversal by the Council. Meetings of the <br />Executive Board may be called at the discretion of the Chairman or two <br />thirds the membership of the Executive Board. <br /> <br /> The Chairman, with concurrence of the Executive Board, shall appoint <br />committee chairmen and members of each committee. Committee members, <br />with the exception of the chairman, do not have to be members of the <br />Council. Standing Committees are: Legislative and Advocacy, Finance, <br />By-Laws, Membership, and Public Relations and Publicity. Other special <br />committees may be appointed by the Chairman as needed. <br /> <br /> The Cabarrus County Senior Citizens Advisory Council shall serve as <br />an advocate for the aging. The Council shall serve in an advisory capacity <br />to the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners in all programs and services <br />provided by the County to senior citizens. <br /> <br /> The Council shall make recommendations as to improvements of services <br />for Senior Citizens as provided by any department of County government. <br /> <br /> The Council is to maintain awareness of the needs, problems, and <br />potentials of older adults and recommend and advise in implementing programs <br />and services. <br /> <br /> The Council shall determine the need for a Senior Citizens Center and <br />make recommendations to the County Board of Commissioners as to construction, <br />finance, and operations. <br /> <br /> The Council is to develop a comprehensive plan of services for the <br />aging in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> The Council is to assist in the planning and promotion of projects <br />designed for senior citizens. <br /> <br /> The Counci% is to promote housing and living arrangements that are <br />suitable for both the well and the infirm and that are conducive to good <br />health, enjoying social experiences, and to participating in family, group <br />and community affairs. <br /> <br /> <br />