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178 <br /> <br />B ID DER <br /> <br />BID BOND BID AMOUNT ALT. 1 ALT. 2 <br /> <br />ALT. 3 <br /> <br />Moretti Constr. Co. X <br />Cabarrus Constr. Co. X <br />Crescent Constr. Co. X <br />H. C. Rummage, Inc. X <br />T. K. Browne Const. Co.X <br />Propst Constr. Co. X <br /> <br />$180,000. + $7,000. + $4,900. + $4,900. <br />$182,390. + $6,800. + $4,800. + $3,450. <br />$188,799. + $6,504. + $4,592 + $4,816. <br />$198,958. + $8,003. + $4,727. + $3,816. <br />$222,579. + $7,562. + $5,174. + $4,600. <br />$251,300. + $7,000. + $7,000. + $5,000. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Cook with <br />Commissioners Lentz, Payne, and Cook and Chairman Bonds voting for and <br />Commissioner Nash voting against, the Board awarded the bid for Phase 1, <br />Stage 2 construction of Frank Liske Park to the low bidder, Moretti <br />Construction Company, in the sum of $180,000 with the addition of <br />Alternate Number 3 at a cost of $4,900.00 less deductions of $4,554.00 <br />from the original bid specifications for a total Contract Award of <br />$180,346.00. <br /> Mr. Charles McGinnis, County Manager, opened the proposals for <br />architectural services for renovations of the County Courthouse as proposed <br />in the Space Needs Study prepared by Henningson, Durham & Richardson. <br />The renovation cost estimates and architectural service fee proposals <br />were as follows for the "Proposed 1982 Needs". <br /> A~chiteCtural Firm Renovation Costs Architectural Services <br /> <br />George A. Griffin <br />Abrams-Schletzbaum <br />Architectural Planning <br />Associates, P.A. <br />Henningson, Durham & <br /> Richardson <br /> <br />$165,000.00 <br />$267,000.00 <br />$177,000.00 <br /> <br />$ 8,750.00 <br />$21,200.00 <br />$ 8,500.00 <br /> <br />$20,000.00 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Nash, seconded by Commissioner Lentz and <br />unanimously carried, the Board accepted the proposals as information to <br />the Board. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner Lentz and <br />unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />