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281 <br /> <br />Ltd. (hereinafter called the "Consultant") and the County of Cabarrus, <br />State of North Carolina (hereinafter called the "County"), WITNESSETH <br />THAT: <br /> WHEREAS, the County has programs which it operates with <br />Federal funding, and <br /> WHEREAS, the County supports these programs with support <br />services paid from the County appropriated funds, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Federal government and the State will pay a fair <br />share of these costs if supported by an approved cost allocation plan, <br />and <br /> WHEREAS, the Consultant is staffed with personnel knowledgeable <br />and experienced in the requirements of developing and negotiating such <br />governmental cost allocation plans, and <br /> WHEREAS, the County desires to engage the Consultant to assist <br />in developing a plan which conforms to Federal requirements and will be <br />approved by their representatives <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: <br /> 1. ~ o__f Consultant. The COunty agrees to engage the <br />Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to perform the following <br />services. <br /> 2. ~pe of Services. The Consultant shall do, perform and <br />carry out in a good and professional manner the following services: <br /> a. Development of a central services cost allocation <br /> plan which identified the various costs incurred by <br /> the County to support and administer Federal programs. <br /> This plan will contain a determination of the allowable <br /> costs of providing each supporting service such as <br /> purchasing, legal counsel, disbursement processing, etc. <br /> b. Prepare indirect cost proposal for CETA. Additionally, <br /> prepare indirect cost rates for EPA and HUD if necessary. <br /> c. Negotiation of the completed cost allocation plan with <br /> the representatives of the state or Federal government, <br /> whichever is applicable. <br /> d. Assistance in preparing the initial claims for recovery <br /> of funds due the County. <br /> 3. Time of Performance. The services to be performed hereunder <br />by the Consultant shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as <br />to assure their expeditious completion and best carry out the purposes <br />of the agreement, Ail services required hereunder shall be completed <br />by December 31, 1985. The cost allocation plan will be available by <br />December 31, 1985 for your review and our negotiation with Federal and <br />State representatives. <br /> 4. Compensation. The County agrees to pay. the Consultant a sum <br />not to exceed nine thousand five hundred dollars ($9,500) for all services <br />required herein, which shall include reimbursement for expense incurred. <br />Consultant agrees to complete the project and all services provided herein <br />for said sum. <br /> 5. Method of Payment. The Consultant shall be entitled to payment <br />in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. The Consultant <br />agrees to undertake this engagement with the following advantages to the <br />County. First, the Consultant will not require any compensation for <br />services until a cost allocation plan has been prepared and is acceptable <br />as a basis for filing claims. Second, Consultant's fees are to be paid <br />from recoveries paid by Federal programs to the County as well as <br />recoveries from Enterprise Funds. Recoveries due solely from the plan <br />will be shared equally by the County and the Consultant until Consultant's <br />fees are paid in full. Then all additional funds are paid to the County. <br />Payment to Consultant will be made within four weeks of receipt by the <br />County of funds realized from the plan. <br /> 6. Chan e~. The County may, from time to time, require changes in <br />the scope of the services of the Consultant to be performed hereunder. <br />Such changes, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the County and <br />the~Consultant, shall be incorporated in written amendment to this <br />agreement. <br /> 7. Services and Materials'to be Furnished by County. The County shall <br />locally furnish the Consultant with all available necessary information, <br />data, and material pertinent to the execution of this agreement. The <br />County shall cooperate with the Consultant in carrying out the work herein <br />and shall provide adequate staff for liaison with the Consultant and other <br />agencies of County government. <br /> <br /> <br />