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536 <br /> <br />County Utility Superintendent every reasonable facility to ascertain <br />whether or not the work as performed is in accordance with the <br />specifications. It is understood and agreed that Inspectors employed by <br />the County shall be stationed at the work to report as to the progress <br />and performance of the work, and shall be authorized to inspect any part <br />of the work done and any material furnished, including its preparation <br />~or manufacture. No sewer pipe or other appurtenance shall be placed <br />except in the presence of the County Utility Superintendent. Such <br />Inspectors, however, shall not relieve the Applicant from any obligation <br />to perform all of the work strictly in accordance with the <br />Specifications. In case of any disputes arising as to the materials <br />furnished or the manner of performing the work, the County Utility <br />Superintendent shall have authority to reject materials or suspend work <br />until the question at issue can be referred to and decided by the <br />Utility Department Superintendent. It is further understood and agreed <br />that the Applicant shall remove any work or materials condemned as <br />unsatisfactory by the County Utility Superintendent and shall rebuild <br />and replace same to the standard required by the specifications, all at <br />his own expense and in default thereof, the same may be done by the <br />County and the cost charged against the applicant. Final connection to <br />the County's sanitary sewerage system will not be permitted until all <br />work has been approved by the County Utility Department. <br /> <br />It is understood and agreed that the Applicant and other parties may <br />discharge sewage into the proposed line or lines only under and in <br />accordance with the standard rules and regulations of the County, or as <br />such regulations may be amended, with reference to users of the County <br />Sewerage System, particularly with reference to the payment of standard <br />sewage service charges which are assessed by the County against users of <br />its sewerage system, provided that any parties discharging sewage into <br />the proposed line or lines and who do not obtain their water supply from <br />the Cabarrus County Utility Department shall meter their water system <br />with a metering device approved by the Cabarrus County Utility <br />Department, for the purpose of determining sewer service charges; such <br />sewage service charges shall be collected by and paid directly to the <br />Cabarrus County Utility Department. <br /> <br />Any connections, additions, or extensions to the herein described <br />sanitary sewer lines shall be made only upon written permission of the <br />County. Such connections, additions, or extensions of the herein <br />described sewer lines shall not be subject to any sanitary sewer <br />connection privilege fees payable to this agreement. <br /> <br />The Applicant shall obtain all rights-of-way in widths satisfactory to <br />the County Engineer where sewer lines are constructed across lands of <br />the Applicant or others and being located in other than a public way. <br />The Applicant or others and being located in other than a public way. <br />The Applicant shall show satisfactory evidence that he has obtained and <br />recorded in the Cabarrus County Registry, proper agreements covering <br />rights-of-way and that the same is free and clear of encumbrances. <br /> <br />The Applicant shall employ at his own proper cost and expense a <br />Professional Engineer registered in North Carolina who shall design, lay <br />out and supervise the construction of these certain sanitary sewer <br />lines, including any lift stations and force mains that may be required. <br />Complete plans and profiles detailing all proposed construction and <br />equipment must be approved by the County Engineer prior to beginning any <br />construction. Said construction plans shall be prepared to County <br />standard plan and profile. <br /> <br />The Applicant further agrees that upon approval of said Contractor and <br />sanitary sewer plans by the County Engineer, the owner of said <br />properties requesting sanitary sewer shall guarantee the installation of <br />the required sanitary sewerage system. Upon completion of the sewerage <br />system as described, written notice thereof shall be given by the <br />Applicant to the County Engineer, who shall cause a final inspection of <br />the sewerage system to be made and shall within thirty (30) days accept <br />the system for the County, provided all stipulations of this contract <br />have been met. <br /> <br /> <br />