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539 <br /> <br />SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT <br />ACCOUNT #21-10 <br /> <br /> Present <br />Line Item Approved Revised <br />Account No. Description Budget Increase Decrease BudEet <br /> <br />01-9-21-10-445 Purchased Service 2,000.00 <br />01-9-19-10-660 Contingency 87,250.00 <br /> <br />2,800.00 4,800.00 <br /> 2,800.00 84,450.00 <br /> <br />PURPOSE OF BUDGET REVISION REQUEST: <br /> To cover cost of computer program of software as it relates to automated <br /> gun permits. <br /> <br /> Mr. Michael M. Ruffin, County Manager, reported that the parking lot on <br />the former Morris Property was scheduled for paving during the next week. He <br />asked for direction from the Board as to the allocation of reserved parking <br />spaces. The Board indicated that the existing reserved spaces were adequate <br />with the exception of an additional space needed for a visiting judge and <br />spaces for parking the vans used by the Department of Aging. It was the <br />consensus of the Board that reserved spaces should be on the lower edge of <br />the lot. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Melvin, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to go into Executive Session to discuss <br />contractual matters with the County Attorney. The Board invited Mr. Bill <br />Simmons, who was elected County Commissioner on November 8, 1988, to join the <br />Board in Executive Session. <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Hamby and <br />unanimously carried, the Executive Session was terminated. <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br />unanimously carried, the Board revised Section 5(a) of the October 12 draft <br />of the Coddle Creek Agreement with the City of Concord to guarantee the City <br />a total of 9 million gallons per day of water from Coddle Creek and approved <br />the following two agreements to be forwarded to the City of Concord. <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />AGREEMENT RELATIVE TO THE CONSTRUCTION, <br />OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF <br /> A WATER SUPPLY RESERVOIR <br /> <br /> THIS AGREEMENT of Interlocal Cooperation, pursuant to Article 20 of <br />Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of North Carolina, made and entered into <br />this __ day of __, 1988, by and between the CITY OF CONCORD, North <br />Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "CONCORD"), and CABARRUS COUNTY <br />(hereinafter referred to as "CABARRUS"); <br /> <br />W I T N E S S E T H: that -- <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, CONCORD and CABARRUS agree that it is mutually beneficial for <br />CABARRUS to construct, operate and maintain a dam, lake and watershed in <br />Cabarrus County, North Carolina, on Coddle Creek of approximately 1,900 acres <br />or less (hereinafter referred to as the "Reservoir"), in order to provide and <br />supply an additional source of raw water for the residents of the greater <br />Cabarrus County area; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, CONCORD currently: (a) owns and operates a 10 mgd capacity <br />water pumping station along Coddle Creek (the "Existing Pump Station") in or <br />about the site of the Reservoir from which it currently draws raw water for <br />use in its municipal water system through an existing 24-inch raw water <br />transmission line (the "Existing Raw Water Line") leading to its Hillgrove <br />Water Filter Plant ("Hillgrove"); (b) owns 513.8173 acres of land in or <br />about the Reservoir, more particularly described in "Exhibit A" attached <br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Concord Property"); and (c) <br />has previously employed Peirson and Whitman, Inc., to prepare plans and <br />specifications and surveys and to perform other engineering activities for <br />the development of the Reservoir, or otherwise, and also has secured <br />appraisals for the real property involved, all of which are more particularly <br />identified in "Exhibit B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br />reference (the "Concord Plans and Documents"). <br /> <br /> <br />