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533 <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, many counties and cities need assistance in pursuing economic <br />and community development opportunities, but federal assistance in the form <br />of Intergovernmental revenues has been severely curtailed in recent years; <br />and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the 1987 General Assembly recognized this need through the <br />appropriation of $990,000 to help the Lead Regional Organizations assist <br />local governments with grant applications, economic development, community <br />development, and to support local industrial development activities and other <br />activities as deemed appropriate by their local governments; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, these funds are not intended to be used for payment of member <br />dues or assessments to a Lead Regional Organization or to supplant funds <br />appropriated by the member governments; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, in the event that a request is not made by the City or County <br />of Cabarrus for release of these funds to our regional Council, the available <br />funds will revert to the state's General Fund; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, in Region F funds in the amount of $55,000 will be used to/for <br />preparation of CDBG applications, strategic planning programs, SBA 504 <br />program and other economic development activities that may deem appropriate; <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Commissioners requests the release of its share of these funds, $5,036.24 to <br />the Centralina Council of Governments at the earliest possible time in <br />accordance with the provisions of Chapter 830 of the 1987 Session Laws (HB <br />1515). <br /> <br />Witnessed this the 21st day of November, 1988 at Concord, by: <br /> <br />/s/ James W. Lentz <br /> <br />(Signature) <br /> <br />Chairman~ Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners (Title) <br />/s/ Frankie F. Small (Signature) <br /> <br />Clerk~ Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />(Title) (SEAL) <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Melvin, seconded by Commissioner Payne and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the addition of the first dirt road <br />on right off Cruse Road to the State secondary road system. <br /> Chairman Lentz introduced discussion of a Notification of Intent to <br />apply for matching Federal funds in the amount of $100,000.00 toward park <br />land acquisition and development at Coddle Creek Reservoir. The Notification <br />of Intent, which had been prepared by Mr. Steve Little, Recreation Director, <br />indicated that a three-year commitment for local funds in the amount of <br />$149,566.00 annually would be required. <br /> Motion was made by Chairman Lentz and seconded by Commissioner Hamby to <br />allow Mr. Steve Little, Recreation Director, to file the Notification of <br />Intent to apply for Federal Land and Water Conservation Funding for the <br />development of a recreational facility at Coddle Creek. <br /> UPON SUBSTITUTE MOTION of Commissioner Payne, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hamby and unanimously carried, the Board tabled consideration of the Federal <br />Land and Water Conservation Funding request for the development of a Coddle <br />Creek recreational facility until November 28, 1988. <br /> Chairman Lentz asked Commissioner Payne to work with Mr. Steve Little, <br />Recreation Director, to redraft the recreation proposal. <br /> Mr. James F. Cook, Jr., Social Services Director, reviewed the proposed <br />Social Services budget amendment to provide for five additional staff <br />positions at the Department. He introduced the following members of the <br />Social Services Board who were present in support of the amendment: Ms. <br />Pegge Haywood, Ms. Vernice Morgan, and Ms. Betty Jewell. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Hamby, seconded by Commissioner Melvin and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Social Services budget <br />amendment. <br /> <br />SOCIAL SERVICES <br />ACCOUNT #01-01-56-10 <br /> 01-01-56-20 <br /> <br /> <br />