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219 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Coalition duly appointed a Transportation Task Force for the <br /> purpose of developing an organizational format for a regional <br /> transportation planning entity; and <br />WHEREAS, the Transportation Task Force executed this charge with a series of <br /> meetings over a six month time period; and <br />WHEREAS, this charge was executed by developing through consensus a mission <br /> statement, goals statements, suggested items to be considered for a <br /> work program, an organizational framework, a funding process, a <br /> proposed host institution, and a transition process; and <br />WHEREAS, these various recommendations have been provided by means of a written <br /> report and an oral presentation to all members of the Carolinas <br /> Counties Coalition; and <br />WHEREAS, the Transportation Task Force has also presented the recommendations <br /> to three U.S. Congressmen whose jurisdictions include counties within <br /> the region, to members of the respective highway boards who live in the <br /> region, and to members of the respective state departments of <br /> transportation. <br /> THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Cabarrus County on October 2, 1989 approved the <br /> recommendations of the Transportation Task Force and agreed to become an active <br /> member of the Carolinas Transportation Compact with all duties and obligations <br /> attached thereto provided however that appropriations for Fiscal Year 1990-1991 <br /> and Fiscal Year 1991-1992 are neither authorized nor approved. The signatures <br /> of the members of the countyVs governing authority are affixed below. <br /> <br />James Wo Lentz, Chairman <br /> <br />Ro Giles Moss, Vice-Chairman <br /> <br />William G. Hamby, Jr., Commissioner <br /> <br />Martha H. Melvin, Commissioner <br /> <br />Bill Simmons, Commissioner <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Melvin with <br />Chairman Lentz and Commissioners Melvin, Moss, and Hamby voting for, the Board <br />set a public hearing for 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as persons can be heard <br />on November 6, 1989, to consider the adoption of an appropriate verifiable <br />percentage goal for participation by minority businesses in the total value of <br />work for which the Board may hereinafter award contracts pursuant to North <br />Carolina General Statues 143-128 and related statutes. <br /> Chairman Lentz recessed the meeting at 8:40 P.M. until the conclusion <br />of the meeting of the Water and Sewer District Commissioners. Chairman Lentz reconvened the meeting at 8:45 P.M. <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Moss with <br />Chairman Lentz and Commissioners Moss, Melvin, and Hamby voting for, the Board <br />moved to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Moss with <br />Chairman Lentz and Commissioners Moss, Melvin, and Hamby voting for, the <br />executive session was adjourned. <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Lentz, seconded by Commissioner Melvin with <br />Chairman Lentz and Commissioners Melvin, Moss, and Hamby voting for, the Board <br />appointed Commissioner Simmons and Moss and Chairman Lentz to the Advisory <br />Personnel Board. <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Hamby, seconded by Chairman Lentz with <br />Commissioners Hamby, Moss, and Melvin and Chairman Lentz voting for, the Board <br />authorized the employment of special counsel to represent the County Manager <br />before the Advisory Personnel Board. <br /> Chairman Lentz commended the residents of the county fortheir work and <br />cooperation during Hurricane Hugo on September 22, 1989 and the clean-up efforts <br />since that date. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman <br />Lentz recessed the meeting until 6:00 P.M. on Wednesd. ay, October 4, 1989, at <br />which time the Board will meet at Lake Lynn Lodge to discuss a personnel matter <br />in executive session. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />