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February 2, 2013 (Board Retreat) Page 1405 <br />Coltrane -Webb Replacement Playground - middle set 45,000 <br />Mt. Pleasant Elem Replacement Playground -zones 1 &4 100,000 <br />All other E1em Replacement Playground Parts 100,000 <br />Central Cab HS Planetarium Renovations 300,000 <br />Total of unallocated projects 3,649,353 Pending <br />Procedures and Goals <br />Mike Downs, County Manager, read the Commissioners' currently adopted <br />vision and goals: <br />Our vision for Cabarrus is a county where our children learn, our <br />citizens participate, our dreams matter, our families and neighbors thrive <br />and our community prospers. <br />Goals <br />Achievement Staae <br />Each goal was discussed. No changes were made. <br />Retreat Conclusion <br />As a conclusion to the retreat, Mike Downs, County Manager, asked if <br />the commissioners had opportunity to provide input on the "green dot" <br />spreadsheets. He advised the information would be reviewed, tabulated and <br />presented back to the Board for further direction. <br />Pam Dubois, Deputy County Manager, asked if the Board had any concerns <br />regarding items on the five year plan. A discussion ensued. The following <br />issues were addressed: excess funds; paying off debt or cutting the tax <br />rate; funding for schools; mandated versus non - mandated funds; a five year <br />plan showing prioritized needs and requests from the schools; and an <br />examination of COLA and merit raises to remain competitive and recognize <br />employees. <br />Adjournment <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman White, seconded by Commissioner Measmer <br />and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:14 p.m. <br />Megan it, lerk to the Board <br />Preserve and enhance the quality of life by <br />addressing growth with sound public policies that <br />Goal 1 <br />sustain resources, provide high quality services <br />Progress <br />and fund infrastructure needs. <br />Achieve community -wide preparedness to protect <br />public safety, respond to routine and <br />Goal 2 <br />catastrophic events and maintain and restore the <br />Progress <br />well -being of all residents. <br />Use resources wisely and responsibly by <br />protecting assets, minimizing risk, creating <br />Goal 3 <br />partnerships and using technology to maximize the <br />Progress <br />value of county investments, expenditures and <br />services. <br />Promote a fully engaged community with a shared <br />Goal 4 <br />understanding of its issues and challenges and <br />Planning <br />working together to achieve its goals. <br />Ensure that all citizens have equal opportunity <br />and access to education, health care, and <br />Goal 5 <br />economic prosperity and encourage citizens to <br />Progress <br />fulfill their potential and contribute to their <br />community. <br />Each goal was discussed. No changes were made. <br />Retreat Conclusion <br />As a conclusion to the retreat, Mike Downs, County Manager, asked if <br />the commissioners had opportunity to provide input on the "green dot" <br />spreadsheets. He advised the information would be reviewed, tabulated and <br />presented back to the Board for further direction. <br />Pam Dubois, Deputy County Manager, asked if the Board had any concerns <br />regarding items on the five year plan. A discussion ensued. The following <br />issues were addressed: excess funds; paying off debt or cutting the tax <br />rate; funding for schools; mandated versus non - mandated funds; a five year <br />plan showing prioritized needs and requests from the schools; and an <br />examination of COLA and merit raises to remain competitive and recognize <br />employees. <br />Adjournment <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman White, seconded by Commissioner Measmer <br />and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 2:14 p.m. <br />Megan it, lerk to the Board <br />