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April 15, 2013 (Regular Meeting) Page 1513 <br />down additional cash to reduce the future interest cost and debt payments. <br />She requested direction from the Board. <br />A discussion ensued. <br />Vice Chairman White expressed opposition to paying additional monies <br />towards the debt. He advised the money should be saved for future projects or <br />for paying the debt down at a future date. <br />Commissioner Morris expressed opposition to paying additional monies <br />towards the debt. He advised the County could realize more savings if the <br />money was put aside for upcoming needs rather than having to borrow in the <br />future at a higher interest rate. <br />Commissioners Measmer and Burrage expressed support for paying <br />additional monies toward the debt. <br />Chairman Poole expressed opposition to paying additional monies towards <br />the debt, stating the funds could finance smaller one -time projects that may <br />not otherwise be possible. <br />Discussion continued. Although, no action was required of the Board, <br />the opinion of three commissioners was not to pay additional cash to the <br />general obligation bonding refunding, while the opinion of two commissioners <br />was to pay additional cash toward the general obligation bonding refunding. <br />(G -4) Active Living and Parks Department - Mt. Pleasant Middle School Park <br />Bathrooms <br />Londa Strong, Active Living and Parks Director, advised Mr. Witke has <br />prepared information relating to options for portable bathrooms at the Mt. <br />Pleasant Middle School Park. She also stated Billy Swaringen, Mt. Pleasant <br />Volunteer Youth League President, is in attendance and available to answer <br />questions. <br />Len Witke, Director of Facilities and Maintenance for Cabarrus County <br />Schools, reviewed Options A -E relating to a request for bathroom facilities <br />at Mt. Pleasant Middle School Park. He discussed the vendors, structures and <br />pricing quotes listed there and responded to questions from the Board. Mr. <br />Witke recommended Options A, B or C. He advised that water and power <br />connections are possible, as well as sewer service in the area. <br />A discussion ensued. During discussion, Mr. Witke, Mr. Swaringen and <br />Ms. Strong responded to a variety of questions from the Board. The following <br />issues were addressed: the connection to existing utilities; an estimated <br />additional cost of $12,000 for a pump lift station; the age of units in <br />Options A, B and C; the delivery of Options A, B and C; proposed <br />modifications for Option C; the responsible party for maintaining the new <br />bathroom unit; the accessibility of the existing restrooms at the gymnasium; <br />potential fundraising efforts; Mr. Witke's staff's involvement in connecting <br />the utilities and modifying the units; etc. <br />At the request of Chairman Poole, Mr. Swaringen advised he would <br />provide a copy of the Mt. Pleasant Volunteer Youth League's budget. <br />Commissioner Burrage expressed his support for Option B. <br />Mike Downs, County Manager, requested Mr. Witke verify the portable <br />bathrooms are compliant with Mt. Pleasant's zoning regulations. <br />Commissioner Morris expressed support for Option C. <br />Commissioner Measmer expressed support for Options A and C. <br />Chairman Poole inquired about options for temporary barricades on North <br />Drive during athletic events. <br />Discussion continued. Chairman Poole suggested Mr. Witke look into <br />closing North Drive. <br />Vice Chairman White expressed support for Option C and recommended <br />Option C to Board for their consideration. <br />Mr. Witke expressed concern over the bidding process.. Discussion <br />continued with the Board and staff discussing the informal bidding process. <br />