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April 15, 2013 (Regular Meeting) Page 1514 <br />Chairman Poole MOVED to approve funding not to exceed $30,000.00 for <br />a privately owned 12' x 30' bathroom unit and to fund Cabarrus County Schools <br />not to exceed $12,000.00 for a pump station with funds coming from the County <br />Commissioners Contingency Fund. Vice Chairman White seconded the motion. <br />Following a brief discussion, the MOTION unanimously carried. <br />(G -5) County Manager - Resolution Regarding SB81 and the Creation of a <br />Charlotte Regional Airport Authority <br />Chairman Poole advised two versions of a resolution regarding SB81 are <br />included in the agenda for consideration and requested comments from the <br />Board. <br />A discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Morris expressed the opinion that the Board should not <br />take a position on the issue. He also expressed concerns with the wording of <br />Senate Bill 81. <br />Commissioner Measmer expressed concerns in regards to whether or not <br />the County would have a seat on the authority, based on the Board's position <br />on the authority. He further expressed the need for the County to be on such <br />an authority, regardless of the initial support. <br />Commissioner Burrage expressed concern regarding any airport debt and <br />also expressed concern over involvement in the airport authority. <br />Vice Chairman White expressed the opinion that the airport is an <br />important economic factor throughout the region and that discussing the <br />future of an airport authority is an important opportunity. He provided a <br />brief history of the Charlotte Douglas International Airport and noted shared <br />natural resources, such as the Interbasin Transfer (IBT), as an example of <br />shared resources in the region. He expressed support for the airport <br />authority and for the County to be represented on the authority by an elected <br />official. <br />Chairman Poole expressed concerns with the wording of the legislation <br />in regards to elected officials not being included among the authority <br />membership. She advised she does not have enough information to make a <br />decision regarding a resolution. <br />Discussion continued. <br />UPON MOTION of Chairman Poole, seconded by Vice Chairman White and <br />unanimously carried, the Board tabled "County Manager - Resolution Regarding <br />SB81 and the Creation of a Charlotte Regional Airport Authority" to the May <br />6, 2013 work session meeting. <br />(H) APPOINTMENTS <br />(H -1) Appointments (Removal) - Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) <br />Due to his work schedule and additional work responsibilities, Mark <br />Antoszyk has resigned from his position on the Juvenile Crime Prevention <br />Council (JCPC). <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman White, seconded by Commissioner Burrage <br />and unanimously carried, the Board removed Mark Antoszyk from the Juvenile <br />Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) roster and thanked him for his service. <br />(H -2) Appointments - Cabarrus County Active Living and Parks Commission <br />The Cabarrus County Senior Centers Advisory Council (CCSC) and the <br />Active Living and Parks Commission request approval to appoint council member <br />Mike Plowman to serve as "Liaison" on the Active Living and Parks Commission. <br />Mr. Plowman also serves on the Cabarrus County Senior Centers Advisory <br />Council (CCSC) , therefore an exception to the "service on multiple boards" <br />provision of the Appointment Policy is needed. <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman White, seconded by Commissioner Burrage <br />and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Mike Plowman to the Active <br />Living and Parks Commission to complete a three year term ending January 31, <br />2016 as the "Senior Centers Advisory Council Liaison" representative; <br />including an exception to the "service on multiple boards" provision of the <br />Appointment Policy. <br />