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November 18, 2013 (Regular Meeting) Page 1830 <br />appropriation of $95,739,530.00. The net change in fund balance for the <br />general fund totaled $19,706,295.00 as identified on the Statement of <br />Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance. She also responded to <br />questions from the Board and announced the CAFR will be available to the <br />public on the County's website ( www.cabarrus county. us ). She reported the <br />Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and <br />Canada awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial <br />Reporting to Cabarrus County for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report <br />for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012. This was the 28 consecutive year <br />that Cabarrus County has received this prestigious award. She advised the <br />department has also submitted for the current year's award. <br />Erica Brown, Audit Manager with Martin Starnes and Associates, gave a <br />brief summary of the auditing process. In summary, she stated an unmodified <br />audit opinion was issued. She expressed appreciation to county staff for <br />their efforts throughout the audit process. <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Measmer, seconded by Commissioner Morris <br />and unanimously carried, the Board accepted the Fiscal Year 2013 <br />Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as presented. <br />(G -2) Active Living and Parks Department - Department Ordinance Related to <br />NCGS 14- 415.23 <br />Note: This item was moved to December. <br />(G -4) County Manage= - Discussion Concerning Emergency Hydrants for <br />Northeast VFD <br />Jonathan Marshall, Deputy County Manager, presented the following <br />information relating to the discussion concerning emergency hydrants for the <br />Northeast Volunteer Fire Department: <br />The Cities of Kannapolis and Concord have begun construction on <br />the Albemarle water line project. Cabarrus County and Northeast <br />Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) have had discussions about the <br />placement of an emergency hydrant on that line to permit the NE <br />VFD tanker truck to be filled. Each hydrant would include a <br />digital meter, locking device, back flow device and fencing with <br />a locked gate. If additional property outside the existing <br />right -of -way is required the negotiations and cost would be the <br />responsibility of the VFD and County. There would need to be a <br />four -party agreement between Concord, Kannapolis, Cabarrus County <br />and Northeast VFD. The water would only be used for firefighting <br />and training purposes and billing would be based on an out -of- <br />city rate. <br />A discussion ensued. During discussion, Mr. Marshall and Steve Langer, <br />Fire Marshal, responded to questions from the Board. <br />It was the general consensus of the Board to direct staff to plan for <br />two emergency fire hydrants. <br />(G -5) Emergency Management - Requested Changes to the Flowes Store Fire <br />Protection Contract <br />Recommendations from the Board - authorized fire study included the need <br />for more accountability and performance standards to be added to the Fire <br />Protection Contracts. Currently, all departments have signed the new <br />contract, with the exception of Flowes Store Volunteer Fire Department. <br />Flowes Store is requesting changes to Section 10 of the contract. Section 10 <br />requires departments to receive a Certificate of Need from the Fire Marshal's <br />Office and to provide justified documentation for the purchase of new fire <br />apparatus. <br />A general discussion ensued. During discussion Steve Langer, Fire <br />Marshal, Ken Nickels, President, FSVFD (Flowe Store Volunteer Fire <br />Department) Board of Directors; and Richard Koch, County Attorney, responded <br />to questions from the Board. There was a general consensus among the Board <br />to not make any changes to the contract until the next fiscal year and to <br />include any changes as a part of all the volunteer fire department contracts <br />for uniformity. Mr. Nickels also recognized members of the Flow Store VFD in <br />attendance. No action was taken. <br />(G -6) Library - Request to Approve Midland Library Concept <br />