May 21, 2012 (Regular Meeting) Page 1082
<br />(2) To operate the 1915(b) /(c) Medicaid Waiver, a proven system for
<br />the management of mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities,
<br />and substance abuse services;
<br />(3) To manage state funded services for mental health, intellectual
<br />and developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services, including
<br />federal block grant funds;
<br />(4) To manage all other resources that are or become available for
<br />mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance
<br />abuse services;
<br />(5) To use managed care strategies, including care coordination and
<br />utilization management, to reduce the trend of escalating costs in the State
<br />Medicaid program while ensuring medically necessary care, and to deploy a
<br />system for the allocation of resources based on the reliable assessment of
<br />medical necessity, functional status and intensity of need. These strategies
<br />shall efficiently direct individuals to appropriate services and shall ensure
<br />they receive no more and no less than the amount of services determined to be
<br />medically necessary at the appropriate funding level;
<br />(6) To maintain a local presence in order to respond to the unique
<br />needs and priorities of localities;
<br />(7) To ensure communication with consumers, families, providers, and
<br />stakeholders regarding disability- specific and general 1915(b) /(c) Medicaid
<br />Waiver operations by implementing a process for feedback and exchange of
<br />information and ideas;
<br />(8) To establish and maintain systems for ongoing communication and
<br />coordination regarding the care of individuals with mental illness,
<br />intellectual and developmental disabilities, and substance abuse disorders
<br />with other organized systems such as local Departments of Social Services,
<br />Community Care of North Carolina, hospitals, school systems, the Department
<br />of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and other community agencies;
<br />(9) To maintain disability specific infrastructure and competency to
<br />address the clinical, treatment, rehabilitative, habilitative, and support
<br />needs of all disabilities served by Cardinal Innovations;
<br />(10) To conduct administrative and clinical functions, including
<br />requirements for customer service, quality management, due process, provider
<br />network development, information technology systems, financial reporting, and
<br />staffing;
<br />(11) To maintain full accountability for all aspects of 1915(b) /(c)
<br />Medicaid Waiver operations and for meeting all contract requirements
<br />specified by the Department of Health and Human Services; and
<br />(12) To authorize the utilization of State psychiatric hospitals and
<br />other State facilities.
<br />Section 5 . Powers, Duties and Responsibilities
<br />Cardinal Innovations shall have the powers, duties, and
<br />responsibilities necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this
<br />Joint Resolution, including but not limited to, the following:
<br />(1) To engage in comprehensive planning, development, and management
<br />of local systems for the delivery of mental health, intellectual and
<br />developmental disabilities, and substance abuse and related services;
<br />(2) To comply with federal requirements for Medicaid, Medicare, block
<br />grants, and other federally funded healthcare programs;
<br />(3) To perform public relations and community advocacy functions;
<br />(4) To maintain a 24 -hour a day, seven day a week crisis response
<br />service. Crisis response shall include telephone and face -to -face
<br />capabilities. Crisis phone response shall include triage and referral to
<br />appropriate face -to -face crisis providers. Crisis services do not require
<br />prior authorization, but shall be delivered in compliance with appropriate
<br />policies and procedures. Crisis services shall be designed for prevention,
<br />intervention, and resolution, not merely triage and transfer, and shall be
<br />provided in the least restrictive setting possible, consistent with
<br />individual and family need, and community safety;
<br />(5) To accept donations or money, personal property, or real estate
<br />for the benefit of Cardinal Innovations and to take title to the same from
<br />any person, firm, corporation, or society;
<br />(6) To purchase, lease, obtain options upon, or otherwise acquire any
<br />real or personal property or any interest therein from any person, firm,
<br />corporation, city, county, government, or society;
<br />(7) To sell, exchange, transfer, assign, or pledge any real or
<br />personal property or any interest therein to any person, firm, corporation,
<br />city, county, government, or society;
<br />(8) To own, hold, clear, and improve property;
<br />(9) To appoint a Chief Executive Officer and to fix his /her
<br />compensation;
<br />(10) To delegate to its agents or employees any powers or duties as it
<br />may deem appropriate;
<br />