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November 29, 2012 (Special Meeting) Page 1312 <br />the frustration - but we have to have executed reasonable diligence to <br />ascertain the information. And I think that's reasonable diligence is the <br />phrase that came back to me. <br />White: Would you have a problem with placing - you said that the information <br />regarding any issues with the bond would be come to this mailing address. I <br />understand that, but is there any issues with - cause you would be in this <br />mailing address - so that you would be getting notice is there any problem <br />with also having the Mr. Downs, the County Manager, or the county attorney, <br />(not by name specifically, because they may not be here long), them be <br />notified as to any issues with the bond. What I'm saying is, yes it may come <br />to this building, but we may never know if the bond has been revoked. <br />Small: You're asking me what, Mr. White? <br />White: What I'm asking is that under the bond notification, not only come to <br />the obligee, which would be you - excuse me - the principal, which would be <br />you but also to the obligee, which would be the state as well as the county. <br />And what I'm saying is just because the notice comes to this building doesn't <br />mean it gets to the attention of the Board of Commissioners. <br />Small: There are things that are not necessarily in my control, Mr. White. <br />I don't know who processes the mail here in this building. <br />White: Okay, well let's be- <br />(Multiple people speaking) <br />White: Is there any reason why Ben Small and the county manager for Cabarrus <br />County cannot be put on notice if there's any issues with the bond? <br />Small: Mr. White, I don't know, but what - what you're asking is something <br />different. What you're asking is "How can I guarantee that mail is going to <br />get to me or you or anybody ?" and I- <br />(Multiple people speaking) <br />White: No, that's not what I'm saying. That's not what I'm saying, Mr. <br />Small. What I'm saying is if the county is not listed as an obligee, then <br />the county would not know if there is issue with the bond. So what I'm <br />saying is do you have any problems with having Western - or whomever insures <br />you or bonds you - to not only give you notice, but the county commissioners <br />notice as to if there is any issue with the bond. <br />Small: Mr. White, I don't have any problem with that, but I can't - I don't <br />work for Western, I don't have any way of securing that guarantee. <br />White: Well, you can ask. I'm not asking a guarantee. I'm just asking if <br />you would find out - and if they say "No, we're not going to tell the county <br />commissioners anything about this bond. ", then that makes my decision easier. <br />Small: My position is that I've already taken the steps to list this address <br />as the official address for - <br />White: Who is the person receiving that information? You said that you've <br />listed this address, who is that mail going to? <br />Small: Mr. White, it's a bond. I can only list an entity, which is the <br />State of North Carolina as required under Chapter 161 and an address. That <br />address is this address. <br />White: Okay. <br />Small: If I'm going to bond a person, I'd have to write a whole new bond and <br />bond a person. <br />White: Thank you. <br />Poole: Do you have - I mean, you said you have it, right? <br />Small: I do. <br />Poole: Can you give me one copy? <br />Small: I have three copies. How many would you like? <br />Poole: Well, just one over here, and they can share if you don't mind. I <br />mean I haven't looked at it so... <br />Small: Okay. <br />Poole: If that's okay, we can kinda pass it. <br />Small: You can pass it. <br />Poole: Okay. I mean that may - that may help just to be able actually to <br />look at it. We'll just take a few moments to give everybody a chance to read, <br />that would be good. <br />(Review of documents.) <br />Recess of Meeting <br />While members of the board reviewed the documents, the board took a <br />short break. The meeting resumed at 4:31 p.m. <br />Poole: Okay. Thank you for allowing me to step out real quick. Okay, we've <br />looked at it and let's see - do you want to say something first or- <br />Downs: It doesn't matter. I was just, I was gonna add just to respond to <br />Mr. Small's comment - it's not anything large. My recollection of the <br />conversation was that I asked for the state and the county to be put on <br />there, that's it. So when we went back and only one was on there; that was <br />the question back to Mr. Small was that it wasn't as we had asked. Just for <br />the record. <br />Poole: Commissioners, you've had a chance to read and I wanted to make sure <br />that any conversations that we have amongst ourselves we need to do for the <br />