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November 29, 2012 (Special Meeting) Page 1311 <br />goes. That's the stupid comment is not one that is a part of anybody here <br />and I just wanted to kind of clarify that. Commissioners, you have specific, <br />individual questions; additional questions that you have for Mr. Small? I <br />open it up to you but you need to - go ahead. <br />Carruth: Just a couple - as far as reiterating what Liz said too - I mean, <br />you're elected by the citizens of Cabarrus County and you're capable of doing <br />the job. And I think just that when we look at it this board has that <br />responsibility just like we do with the school system questions when they <br />come to us for spending - you know, stating requests - and we approve money <br />for them or when DSS comes to us even though they have their own board that <br />is appointed, that we - we're kind of in that position. This unit is a sub- <br />unit of state government and this kind of checks and balances our whole <br />society has, but I guess the two questions I had was that - do we have the <br />reasons why the bond application was denied by our underwriter and then were <br />the reasons it was denied - the reasons, you have those reasons with those <br />same things - were same those disclosures made to the new,. the Western, <br />(inaudible) . Cause what I'm seeing here is that we have the responsibility <br />that - if we just come ask you questions, if something comes back and they <br />say well ya'll should have asked these questions. I'm not prepared to write <br />out a check for $10,000 and so I want to make sure before I vote that we - <br />what was the reason why one was denied and the other was accepted, because <br />I'm in the insurance industry and I (inaudible) there's not a lot of <br />difference between bonding that goes on. It's a service that's provided by <br />insurance companies, it's a way of financing risk, and I'd just like to know <br />that. I think that probably everybody on the board would like to know that, <br />what particular reasons were given why the bond was not approved. And I know <br />that all this may dig into some personal stuff, I don't mean to do that, it's <br />just that again, we have to - I mean if it's serious enough where the clerk <br />can lose her job if she doesn't record the votes right then it's a pretty <br />serious deal here, you know. <br />Small: Well, well if you look at the application for these bonds, they are <br />very simple; they just request some very basic information. I think Mr. Koch <br />is probably right with regard to the application, you're obviously dealing <br />with an insurance company here on a county level that deals with county <br />government or some other type of larger entities. And as an individual <br />applicant, they probably didn't want to ensure someone who wasn't part of <br />their usual clientele. <br />Poole: Did you get notice - did you as the applicant - get notice as to why <br />the bond that the county went after was denied? <br />Small: No, as I explained earlier, I received noticed from Mr. Downs there <br />on Thursday, November 15 that I (inaudible) bond. <br />Measmer: So you received no communication from our company that we- <br />Small: From the county bonding? Absolutely not. That was handled here by <br />Mr. Harris. <br />White: Did you look into why they didn't accept your application for bond? <br />Small: No, I did not. <br />White: Did you ask them? <br />Small: No, I did not, I did not have the time to do that, Mr. White, as Ms. <br />Poole pointed out, we were certainly working under a deadline from November <br />15 until today - so things had to happen pretty quickly. <br />White: Can we see the application made for Penn and the application made for <br />Western? Do you have them - do we have that information to look at? <br />Small: I don't have an application for Western, Mr. White. <br />Harris: I have one for Penn National. <br />White: Okay. Can you get us the one for Western? <br />Small: That was all done over the telephone, Mr. White. <br />White: And Western - can you ask Western to send us a copy of whatever <br />information they have so we can compare to better understand what's going on? <br />Small: Mr. White, I suppose I could, my recollection is that it was just <br />basic information: name, address, telephone number - that kind of <br />information. <br />Measmer: Your entire application was handled over the phone? No - there was <br />no written documents - all of it was handled through telephone communication? <br />Small: Yes. <br />White: So there's nothing that you signed to Western saying that everything <br />in here is true and accurate and I'm giving you a full disclosure of my <br />background information or whatever information that ya'11 need of me? <br />Small: Not that I recall. <br />Burrage: Was that with an insurance agent or- <br />Small: Yes. <br />Burrage: Okay. And then he went through Western. <br />Small: Yes. <br />White: Can that insurance agent get us the information to understand, I <br />mean, I'm - okay. <br />Poole: Was it a local insurance agent? <br />Small: Yes. <br />Poole: I would say, I (inaudible) to piggyback off of that, that the thing <br />is the way it's written is that we have, we have to make - and I understand <br />