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November'29, 2012 (Special Meeting) Page 1318 <br />Monday, December 3rd,. And I - I guess if we're getting into some issues of a <br />personal nature, I don't know if that's necessarily something that we should <br />get into as a board. <br />Poole: Would that be covered under, that particular item, be covered under <br />closed session? <br />Koch: Give me just a minute to look at the specific language of the open <br />meetings law, just to be sure. <br />Poole: And, and,I can understand - personal information - <br />Small: Well, I will let the board know that the reason I stepped out was <br />because it was almost five and I asked a different insurance company to write <br />a new bond and that bond can be available by December 3r at any time the <br />board wishes to meet, because obviously dealing with an underwriter in South <br />Dakota has created some problems. <br />Poole: Well, and I'm not speaking for anybody else, South Dakota that <br />company is obviously a good company, I'm not worried about that. As far as <br />that goes - <br />Small: Well I am, because obviously this board has some concerns with the <br />work. <br />Poole: My question previously was, did you deal with a local agent? And so <br />somewhere along the way there had to have been something in writing to get it <br />so, whether it was South Dakota or whether it's wherever another company - <br />not everything's located in North Carolina. We'd love for everything to be <br />located in North Carolina but not everything is. So I'm - I'm not as <br />concerned about that, it's just a matter of the requests for the application. <br />Somewhere there's something faxed or emailed or - there's something in <br />writing that made the request. I just I feel very confident that Western <br />Surety nowadays has things in writing, even verbal things are put into <br />writing. And I think that's my point, so do you want to tell us the other <br />company that you're going to get it from? <br />Small: Another local company, I'll have more information. I don't know if <br />they'll use an underwriter - <br />Poole: Okay. You're still trying to think. Just a second. <br />Koch: Excuse me, I'd like to ask Lundee a quick question. <br />Poole: Okay. Let's take - sorry, I didn't know she was back there. Just <br />wait just a second. <br />Koch: Because the register of deeds, and particularly in this case, Mr. <br />Small is an elected official, my question that I wanted to check with our <br />human resource director was whether he is considered an "employee ". I know <br />he's paid by the county, but I wanted to make sure because that would affect <br />what can be discussed in closed session. And even though he is not an <br />employee yet, there is an exception to the open meetings law that allows you <br />to discuss qualifications of a prospective employee in closed session. So if <br />there's some matters of a personal nature or whatever you would prefer to do <br />in closed session, I think you have the right and authority to do so. <br />Poole: I wanted to address, I think it's a valid comment about personal <br />information. So that's why (inaudible), so okay. Seems to me like what we <br />will need to do is recess this meeting to Monday and that we would need to <br />meet prior to our currently scheduled meeting on Monday. And what I would <br />like to suggest then is that we recess the meeting until 3:00 on Monday and <br />that we begin with a closed session. Now the only thing that, just to <br />clarify, the only that we can talk about in closed session would be the <br />request of Mr. Small to request of Penn National the reason for denial. <br />That's what we would talk about in closed session. The item of comparing <br />both applications, is that in open session or closed session? <br />Koch: I think that would have to be in open session, but the other I think <br />would be a closed session. <br />Poole: So that we would meet at 3:00 on Monday, beginning closed session to <br />discuss the items of a personal nature concerning Penn National and then we <br />would come out into open session. And we would do closed session down in the <br />Conference Room A, like we normally do for closed session. And then we would <br />come out into here, in open session where we would have a copy of the <br />applications and that we would, we would like to make sure - the applications <br />would be Penn National - do you have a copy of that application? <br />Harris: Yes. <br />Poole: Okay, you can provide that one. And then Mr. Small, you would need to <br />provide the application for either Western Surety or the other that you just <br />called about - whichever one you're dealing with. <br />Small: Thank you. <br />Poole: And please make sure that the one that you called about adds Cabarrus <br />County, and /or Western Surety, the date is December 5, 2016 and that there is <br />a phrase for specific notice would be sent to the risk manager or to Risk <br />Manager at Cabarrus County, P.O. Box 707, Concord, North Carolina 28026. And <br />I can write that down for you (inaudible) so you'll have the address. Okay. <br />Any other comments, Commissioners? Questions? <br />White: I have a meeting at 2:00 on Monday that I'm hoping will be done by <br />3:00, so I may be running a little bit late. <br />Poole: Okay 3:30? I was just- <br />