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December 3, 2012 (Recessed Meeting) Page 1325 <br />cannot feel comfortable (inaudible) with the information. And there it's <br />already been said, it was not disclosed. <br />Small: Well actually, what he says is he's not certain. He doesn't know. If <br />this is going to be an additional requirement of the board, I would just ask <br />the board give us an opportunity to investigate this particular question. It <br />wasn't a question on either of the applications for Penn National or Liberty <br />Mutual. If the board is making an additional requirement, it is only fair <br />that we get an opportunity to make the inquiry - to get the assurances that <br />the board is asking. <br />Poole: Well we do have a motion on the table and we do have a second. Yes, <br />sir? <br />Burrage: Well, his agent's outside now trying to get an answer. We gonna <br />sit here and vote against something we may - he may come back and everything <br />be okay. Personally, I believe in a God of second chance. And I don't hold <br />against a man what he done in the past. What I look to is what he does in <br />the future. And to sit here and try to railroad this man over something that <br />is in the past that was probably - the people who brought this thing against <br />him is probably as guilty as he is. And a bunch of people sitting in Raleigh <br />trying to make decisions against somebody, I don't trust them either and to <br />sit here and just say... You know the man won the election and to not give him <br />a chance to get the thing straightened out is totally unfair as far as I'm <br />concerned. <br />Poole: Okay. Well we have a motion and we have a second on the table. So <br />is there any other discussion? <br />Carruth: What if it, I mean depending on how long is it going to be to get <br />an answer back - do we wait, could we recess for a few minutes while we're <br />waiting on him to come back? <br />Poole: I can tell you is that we have a motion and we have a second. <br />White: We can certainly wait and see what the answer is - if we can get an <br />answer. <br />Measmer: There will still have to be something in writing. <br />White: Yeah. <br />Cash: We have an underwriter on the phone currently and she's trying to <br />figure out what kind of proof she can fax over to us per her supervisor. <br />We're just on hold at this time. <br />White: (Inaudible) just to find out what the decision - <br />Cash: I mean it sounded like it would be something very quick, she's on the <br />phone right now. <br />Poole: Can you tell us what you, what information concerning this issue you <br />shared with the person on the phone? <br />Cash: I did. I shared that the bond has been not issued through another <br />company and were we going to have any issues with professional licensing <br />being suspended for the law license. She said, you know, the bond has been <br />issued - I don't know and I don't know what kind of proof I can get to you. <br />So she's working now with her supervisor to figure out what kind of proof she <br />can get to us. <br />White: Did you let the person know that if they wanted to do due diligence <br />on anything regarding the knowledge of a prior bond or any issues regarding <br />the suspension of the license - let or help them understand where to find it <br />if they had to look at it? <br />Cash: Well, you know when I look at the - no, I didn't because I don't know. <br />I don't know I don't know. I wouldn't know where to guide them to do that. <br />But you know - <br />White: Well I mean - <br />Cash: Excuse me just a second. <br />(On the phone) <br />Cash: I just spoke with the underwriter and they said they won't issue a <br />letter stating that they're okay with the suspension of his license, simply <br />because underwriters don't do that. But the bond has been approved and <br />issued and they've done their due diligence on the bond. <br />Poole: We can wait just a minute, Commissioner Burrage stepped out <br />(inaudible). <br />Koch: Where is Mr. Burrage? <br />Poole: No idea. <br />Poole: (Inaudible) back, would you read - repeat what you said cause I want <br />to make sure that Commissioner Burrage heard you. <br />Cash: Sure, when I was speaking with the underwriter from Liberty Mutual <br />Surety she just told me that they wouldn't issue a letter saying that they <br />were okay with the suspension of licensing; however, the bond has been issued <br />and they have done their due diligence on it. They're just not going to <br />issue a letter outside of - of the bond. And it sounded, when I spoke with <br />her, that it was just the liability issues from her - that their supervisor <br />wasn't comfortable issuing that in writing. That - they issued the bond. <br />Small: But what you are saying is that she has the information and she is <br />still okay with the bond, given the information that you gave her. <br />Cash: Correct. <br />Burrage: In other words, the bond they issued is legal. <br />Cash: The bond they issued is legal. <br />