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December 3, 2012 (Recessed Meeting) Page 1327 <br />but if otherwise, the said board shall immediately inform the proper person, <br />having the power of appointment of the fact of such vacancy." In this <br />particular situation, the board has the power to appoint, but it is subject <br />to the provisions of 161 -4 - excuse me -6(a). I'm trying to find my copy of <br />it here. Excuse me, I apologize, it's 161- 5(al). And again, since it's a <br />short statute, I'll just read it instead of paraphrasing it: "When a vacancy <br />occurs from any cause in the office of register of deeds, the board of county <br />commissioners shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of a successor for <br />the unexpired term, who shall qualify and give bond as required by law.. If <br />the register of deeds was elected as the nominee of a political party, the <br />board of commissioners shall consult the county executive committee of that <br />political party before filling the vacancy and shall appoint the person <br />recommended by that committee, if the party makes a recommendation within 30 <br />days of the occurrence of the vacancy." <br />Poole: And so if I hear you correctly, we would need to have a motion to <br />first declare the position vacant and then we would, we need a motion to <br />notify the local party? Or do we just notify in writing or by phone call or <br />telling them face -to -face or how - we can't, I know we can't - <br />Koch: Well, I- <br />Poole: I just wanted to make sure. <br />Koch: I would suggest doing that in writing and making that a part of the <br />motion. That - and it simply occurs from the time of vacancy it would - the <br />notice would begin from today's date. The 30 days would begin to run from <br />today's date but I still suggest that it be put in writing and that it be <br />made part of the motion. <br />Poole: Okay. Then the second concern, of course, is that the register of <br />deeds office was not open today. So how do we have a functioning register of <br />deeds office? <br />Koch: I'm going to pitch that one to the county manager, he's been working <br />on that. <br />Poole: Because I need - it's a couple parts - and we need to make sure that <br />we're all very much aware of the parts. <br />Downs: Yeah. We've had - in case the situation arose again - we've had <br />several conversations now with the professors at the School of Government, <br />who interpret the statutes for us as well as the Department of Treasurer - <br />the state treasurer. At one point there was conflicting - there was <br />conflicting interpretations - however I think as late when we were just <br />getting ready to move into closed session, Ms. Dubois had a - had a <br />conversation with the state treasurer's office and they were supposed to be <br />giving us something in writing. <br />Dubois: You might need to call them. <br />Downs: The question was, it was our understanding and plans were in place <br />that while Ms. McAbee was retiring as of Friday, that her bond would carry <br />over until the office was - until the new register of deeds was sworn in. We <br />were getting conflicting interpretations, as I said before, and one of those <br />was that - from the state treasurer's office - was that we could not extend <br />Ms. McAbee's bond because if we did it would have a negative impact on her <br />retirement income for the rest of her time collecting retirement income. So <br />we held back on that, that's why we pulled back on operations of the office <br />today because there was no over - anything that went over the counter as far <br />as a transaction would have to have Ms. McAbee's stamp and seal on it and <br />therefore we did not want to jeopardize it at this time, her retirement. <br />However, there has been another conversation now with the state treasurer's <br />office, and they have somewhat modified their interpretation and it appears <br />now that as long as Ms. McAbee does not come to the office, we are only using <br />her bond and her seal, that the others can continue under her bond for a <br />short time. <br />Dubois: Well, the last conversation I had prior to going into closed <br />session, and this was not from an attorney, I just want to make that clear, <br />was that we are backed up against a law regarding the register of deeds. The <br />register of deeds holds that office until a new one's sworn in. And we're <br />backed up against the retirement law, where Ms. McAbee has applied for <br />retirement, and in order to work underneath her bond for a period of time - <br />they felt like they could work that out. Another solution they provided to <br />me prior to going into closed session was that Ms. McAbee could continue to <br />be employed for the month of December, though she did not physically have to <br />work every day for the month of December. That she could use vacation to get <br />her through that month, not to mess up her retirement. We are still waiting <br />on Robin's interpretation of what she's willing to put into writing, like I <br />said, that's the attorney's opinion - the other information I got was not <br />from an attorney. So I think once Robin gave us the particular opinion, <br />because she did understand that we could not operate. <br />Downs: So we're at the point we will still remain closed in the morning until <br />we get that written interpretation from the treasurer's office as to what the <br />impact would be on Ms. McAbee's current bond. <br />Carruth: Madam Chair? <br />Poole: Yes, Sir? <br />