April 19, 2010 (Regular Meeting) Page 1880
<br />Administration project which should have been transferred to the General Fund for debt
<br />service instead of the Capital Reserve fund, and 3) to adjust the Building and Renovation line
<br />item to the actual amount available for expenditure.
<br />Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Inc Amount Dec Amount Revised Budget
<br />45067220-6701 Interest on Invest $2,001,589.00 $235,492.00 $2,237,081.00
<br />45067220-6805 Donations $120,383.00 $0.35 $120,383.35
<br />95067220-6910 Contrib fr Cap Proj $2,719,162.07 $566,472.20 $2,152,689.87
<br />45097220-9821 Building/Renovation $8,667,322.77 $330,979.85 $8,336,342.92
<br />(F-5) Finance - Piedmont Behavioral Health Sublease Extension
<br />Piedmont Behavioral Health has requested to extend their Sublease of
<br />7,060 square feet located at the Cabarrus County Human Services Center, 1305
<br />South Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, NC. This is an "in kind" contribution
<br />with a fair market value of $41,936.00 annually. This sublease extension
<br />will coincide with the County's lease from Kannapolis Land, Inc. for the
<br />Human Services Center and expire on June 30, 2012.
<br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Mynatt
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the Sublease Agreement between
<br />Cabarrus County and Piedmont Behavioral Health for 7,060 square feet, as an
<br />"in kind" contribution, located at the Human Services Center, 1305 South
<br />Cannon Boulevard, Kannapolis, NC. By the same vote, the Board authorized the
<br />County Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of Cabarrus County, subject
<br />to review or revisions by the County Attorney.
<br />(F-6) Human Resources - Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance Revision
<br />The current version of the Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance was
<br />adopted on October 1, 2009. Since then changes in employment laws have
<br />occurred that impact employment policies. This is a request for the adoption
<br />of recommended changes to the current ordinance for compliance with federal
<br />laws, rules, and regulations, for consistency with other county policies and
<br />procedures, and clarification.
<br />The clean copy of the ordinance is as follows:
<br />Proposed Updates to the Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance
<br />Revisions Effective April 19, 2010
<br />Article III. The Pay Plan
<br />Section 3. Use of Salary Ranges
<br />The following provisions shall govern the hiring rate of pay, as well as the
<br />granting of within-the-range pay increases:
<br />(c) Merit Increase Administration. Each year, an employee shall receive a
<br />performance evaluation and be considered for a merit increase on the
<br />anniversary of his or her date in that position. Merit increases are
<br />determined by the score received on the evaluation and any program
<br />adjustments. An employee must receive a 4.00 rating or greater to
<br />qualify. If an employee qualifies, the department head recommends a
<br />merit. After administrative review by the Human Resources Director, the
<br />increase is added to the employee's salary base.
<br />An employee that receives a rating of 2.99 or lower normally requires
<br />additional development coaching and observation to bring his or her
<br />performance to position expectations. Department Heads are responsible
<br />for reasonable and appropriate action to assist an employee in attaining
<br />expected job performance. If an employee's performance does not meet
<br />expected levels within three months, disciplinary measures in accordance
<br />with Article VII shall begin.
<br />An employee is eligible for a merit increase in accordance with the
<br />following:
<br />*approximately
<br />Performance
<br />Evaluation Merit Pay Increase
<br /> Point
<br />From To Spread Levels
<br />0.00 3.99 3.99 0 0.00
<br />4.00 4.19 0.19 1 0.50
<br />4.20 4.50 0.30 2 1.00
<br />