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July 21, 2008 (Regular Meeting) Page 911 <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Mynatt <br />and unanimously carried, the Board designated Commissioner Carruth as <br />alternate delegate for the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners' Annual Conference on August 21-29, 2008. <br />(G-6) Commerce Department - Buffalo Creek Subdivision Proieat <br />Note: This item-was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion at <br />the request of Commissioner Privette. <br />Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager, presented the following <br />information related to the renewal of a Consent Agreement for the Buffalo <br />Creek Subdivision project: the Buffalo Creek Consent Agreement expired on <br />June 20th, 2008; the applicant has extended the original build out schedule to <br />begin in 2009 and to end in 2019; and an extension or revision of the expired <br />Consent Agreement is required for the project to proceed. Ms. Morris also <br />responded to questions from the Board. <br />Commissioner Carruth MOVED to approve the Consent Agreement extension <br />between Cabarrus County and Buffalo Creek, LLC for the Buffalo Creek <br />Subdivision Project, including the payment of $9,034.00 per lot to advance <br />school adequacy (due at final platting) with the following build-out <br />schedule: no more than 15 lots platted in calendar year 2009, no more than <br />30 lots platted in calendar year 2010, no more than 90 lots platted in <br />calendar year 2011, no more than 90 lots platted in 2012, no more than 90 <br />lots platted in calendar year 2013, and no more than 25 lots platted in <br />calendar year 2014, and to authorize the County Manager to execute the <br />agreement on behalf of Cabarrus County. Commissioner Mynatt seconded the <br />motion. <br />Commissioner Privette expressed his opposition to the Consent Agreement <br />extension due to lack of facilities and stated his intention to vote against <br />the motion. <br />The MOTION carried, with Chairman White, Vice Chairman Juba and <br />Commissioners Carruth and Mynatt voting for and Commissioner Privette voting <br />against. <br />(H) APPOINTMENT3 <br />(H-1) Cabarrus County Planning & Zoning Hoard <br />The terms of appointments for Tommy Porter (Eastern), Roger Hass <br />(Kannapolis), Barry Shoemaker (Northwest) and Armistead Eugene Divine <br />(Alternate) end August 31, 2008. All four members are in good standing and <br />eligible for reappointment. However, Mr. Hass is not interested in being <br />considered for reappointment at this time. Currently, there are no <br />applications on file from the Kannapolis area. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Vice Chairman Juba and <br />unanimously carried, the Board reappointed Tommy Porter (Eastern), Barry <br />Shoemaker (Northwest) and Armistead Eugene Divine (Alternate) to the Cabarrus <br />County Planning and Zoning Board effective August 31, 2008 for three-year <br />terms ending August 31, 2011. <br />Commissioner Carruth 'also pointed out that an application for <br />appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board (Kannapolis) from Mr. David <br />Baucom was provided to the Board as supplemental information, as it was <br />received after agenda distribution. He suggested the Board review this <br />application and consider Mr. Baucom's appointment at the next Regular <br />meeting. <br />(H-2) Centralina Work~oroe Development Hoard <br />The Centralina Workforce Development Board (CWDB) requests the <br />appointment of Thomas Goedeke to fill an unexpired position (Organized Labor) <br />ending June 30, 2009. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mynatt, seconded by Commissioner Privette <br />and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Thomas Goedeke to the Centralina <br />Workforce Development Board to complete an unexpired term ending June 30, <br />2009 to fill the Organized Labor position. <br />(H-3) Criminal Juatiae Partnership Pro ram Advisory Board <br />