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July 21, 2008 (Regular Meeting) Page 912 <br />An appointment to fill the "County Manager/designee" position on the <br />CJPP advisory Board is needed. Lewis Williams, the former Veterans Service <br />Officer, served in this capacity until his recent retirement. Bobby Smith, <br />the Emergency Management Director, is willing to serve on the Advisory Board. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Vice Chairman Juba <br />and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Bobby Smith to the Criminal <br />Justice Partnership Program Advisory Board to fill the "County <br />Manager/designee" position for a three-year term ending April 30, 2011. <br />(H-4) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council <br />The terms of appointment for the following JCPC members have ended <br />Roxann Vaneekhoven (D.A.), Olian Holladay (Substance Abuse Professional), <br />Betty Crump (At-Large), Jerry W. Sigmon (At-Large), and Roger Suclupe (At- <br />Large). The JCPC Chair requests that Terri Stancil (At-Large) be moved to <br />the vacant Business Community position previously filled by Sam Leder. <br />Further, the Chair requests the appointment of Dawn Thomas to fill the AT- <br />Large position vacated by Ms. Stancil. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Mynatt <br />and unanimously carried, the Board appointed Ben Goff (D.A. or Designee) and <br />Chris Abbey (Substance Abuse) to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) <br />for two-year terms ending June 30, 2010 including an exception to the <br />residency provision of the Appointment Policy. By the same vote, the Board <br />reappointed Betty Crump (At-Large) and Jerry W. Sigmon (At-Large) to the JCPC <br />for two-year terms ending June 30, 2010; and appointed Terri Stancil <br />(Business Community), Dawn Thomas (At-Large), Zachary Taylor (Student < 18), <br />and Sam Yow (Student < 18) to the JCPC to complete unexpired terms ending <br />September 30, 2009. <br />(H-5) Transportation Advisory Board <br />The terms of appointment for Patricia Baker (DSS), Daniel Payne (County <br />Schools) and Jerry Mingo (Visually Impaired) ended June 30, 2008. All three <br />have expressed a desire to be reappointed. Jerry Mingo has served on the TAB <br />since 1998 as the "visually impaired" representative. An exception to the <br />length of service provision in the Appointment Policy is needed in order to <br />reappoint Mr. Mingo. The TAB requests the following appointments: Jodi <br />Ramirez to fill the (Retired) position recently held my Frances Lowder; Vicki <br />Proctor to fill the (Lifespan) position recently held by Rick Leisner; and <br />Jennifer Caqiano to fill the (NC Mental Health) position. An exception to <br />the residency provision of the Board's Appointment Policy is needed for Ms. <br />Caqiano. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Mynatt <br />and unanimously carried, the Board reappointed Patricia Baker (DSS), Jerry <br />Mingo (Visually Impaired) and Daniel Payne (County Schools) to the <br />Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)for three-year terms ending June 30, 2011, <br />including an exception to the Appointment Policy for Ms. Baker (Residency) <br />and Mr. Mingo (Length of Service Provision.) By the same vote, the Board <br />appointed Jodi Ramirez (Retired), Vicki Proctor (Lifespan) and Jennifer <br />Caqiano (Mental Health) to the TAB for three-year terms ending June 30, 2011, <br />including an exception to the residency provision of the Appointment Policy <br />for Jennifer Caqiano. <br />(I) REPORTS <br />None. <br />(J) GENERAL COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS <br />In response to a question posed by Commissioner Privette, Chairman <br />White reported that the incentive agreement with Speedway Motorsports <br />Incorporated is a closed session issue. <br />Chairman White announced that applications are being accepted for the <br />following Boards and Committees: <br />• Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee <br />• Animal Preservation and Protection Advisory Committee <br />• Concord Planning and Zoning Commission <br />• Concord Zoning Board of Adjustment <br />• Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board <br />• Department of Aging Advisory Board <br />