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July 21, 2008 (Regular Meeting) Page 903 <br />BUDGET REVISION/AMENDMENT REQUEST <br />DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY - CONCORD <br />AMOUNT: $5,793.00 <br />TYPE OE ADJUSTMENT: Supplemental Request <br />PURPOSE OF REQUEST: This revision will cover cost of addition of five new <br />cameras and replacement of four existing outside cameras with high resolution <br />cameras to the surveillance system at the Concord Library. This action will <br />improve quality ofimages recorded and will also provide surveillance to five <br />key areas not currently viewable. It will also enhance the safety of the <br />library patrons and employees. This upgrade is requested by the County <br />Manager. The funding will be provided by the Cannon Memorial Library Fund. <br /> Present <br />Account No. Approved Budget Increase Decrease Revised Budget <br />00198290-9820 $0.00 $5,793.00 $5,743.00 <br />Building Improvements <br />00168290-6917 $5,000.00 $5,743.00 $10,743.00 <br />Contributions from the Cannon Memo rial Library Fund <br />(F-6) Emergency Medioal Servicea - Budget Amendment - (Appropriation of ASPR <br />Grant - $5,000.00) <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following budget amendment: <br />BUDGET REVISION/AMENDMENT REQUEST <br />DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES <br />AMOUNT: $8,000.00 <br />TYPE OF ADJUSTMENT: Supplemental Request <br />PURPOSE OF REQUEST: This budget amendment is to appropriate funds in the <br />amount of $8,000.00 to be received for the Assistant Secretary for <br />Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Grant. These funds will be used to purchase <br />equipment to assist in preparing for potential disasters. In order to <br />receive these funds, EMS has agreed to participate in the State Medical Asset <br />Resource Tracking Tool, attend Disaster Preparedness committee meetings, and <br />comply with Premis reporting requirements. The County is being subgranted <br />funds through CMC/Metrolina Trauma Advisory Council. <br /> Present <br />Account No. App roved Budget Increase Decrease Revised Budget <br />00162730-6366-ASPR $0.00 $8,000.00 $6,000.00 <br />NCOEMS Grant Revenue - ASPR <br />00192730-9330-ASPR $0.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 <br />NCOEMS Grant Expense - ASPR <br />(F-7) Finance Department - Right-of-Wa y Purchase for Cox Mill Hiah School <br />On June 9, 2008, the Cabarrus County Board of Education (BOE) approved <br />the purchase of a right-of-way (.199 acre permanent easement and .171 acre <br />temporary construction easement) from landowner, E.G. Denny. The Cabarrus <br />County BOE requests the Cabarrus County Commissioners approve this $13,373.60 <br />acquisition. The $13,373.60 was previously budgeted under the land line item <br />for the new Cox Mill High School. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the right-of-way purchase for Cox <br />Mill Hiqh School and directed the School Board to proceed with the property <br />closing with Mr. E. G. Denny, including the right-of-way agreement between <br />E.G. Denny, Cabarrus County and Cabarrus County Board of Education. <br />(F-5) Finanoe - Enga4ement Letter for Underwriting Servicea with Southwest <br />Securities, Inc. <br />The Board of Commissioners approved a second resolution for a three- <br />year term engaging UBS for underwriting services on December 17, 2007. UBS <br />is now closing its Securities Division. The Finance Department has been very <br />pleased with Joe Niggel's services and requests to continue the relationship <br />into the future through Southwest Securities (equivalent rates). Attached is <br />an engagement letter for your review which will contract Southwest Securities <br />for the balance of the three-year period (July 1, 2008 - December 31, 2010) <br />with two one-year renewal options. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the Engagement Letter for <br />