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July 21, 2008 (Regular Meeting) <br />Page 904 <br />underwriting services with Southwest Securities, Inc. for the period <br />commencing July 1, 2008 through December31, 2010 and authorized the County <br />Manager to execute the engagement letter, subject to attorney review. <br />(F-9) Landfill - Purchase of Komatsu Track Dozer Via Piggyback <br />The FY 09 budget provides for the purchase of one (1) Komatsu Track <br />Dozer, Model D155 AX-65L in the Solid Waste Management Department. A <br />piggyback of the Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida purchase of this <br />dozer (made on October 29, 2007) is recommended. Piggyback purchases are <br />made pursuant to North Carolina G.S. 193-129. The total cost of the <br />equipment is $935,153.00. <br />The Notice "Awarding a Contract to Linder Industrial Machinery Co. for <br />Komatsu Track Dozer by Piggybacking a Bid Awarded Palm Beach County, West <br />Palm Beach, Florida" was published on the County's website on July 3, 2006. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board authorized the purchase of one (1) Komatsu <br />Track Dozer, Model D155 AX-65L, at a cost of $435,153.00 by utilizing the <br />piggyback of the October 29, 2007 bid in Palm Beach County, West Pam Beach, <br />Florida. <br />F-10) Landfill - Resolution Authorizing Disposition or eurplus rroperty - <br />988 CAT D7H Dozer <br />It has been determined that there is one (1) 1988 CAT D7H Dozer, Serial <br />#79202070, held in inventory by the Solid Waste Management Facility. This <br />equipment has been determined to have fulfilled its usefulness to Cabarrus <br />County. A resolution authorizing the disposition of surplus property is <br />presented for the Board's approval. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following resolution: <br />Resolution No. 2008-13 <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) <br />RESOLUTION <br />CABARRUS COUNTY ). <br />WHEREAS, General Statute 160A, Article 12 sets forth procedures and <br />requirements for counties in selling and disposing of surplus property. <br />Procedures include private negotiation and sale, sale by sealed bids, <br />auction, upset bids, and exchanges; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board desires to dispose of one (1) 1988 CAT D7H Dozer, <br />Serial #79202070. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus <br />County as follows: <br />That in accordance with the provisions of General Statute 160A-267, <br />this Board authorizes the County Purchasing Agent to dispose of the 1988 CAT <br />D7H Dozer, Serial #79202070 by receipt of sealed bids to be held on a date <br />and time to be determined. <br />Adopted this 21st day of July 2008. <br />/s/ H. Jay White, Sr. <br />H. Jay White, Sr., Chairman <br />Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />ATTESTED BY: <br />/s/ Kay Honeycutt <br />Kay Honeycutt, Clerk to the Board <br />(F-11) "Old" Cabarrus County Fairgrounds - Habitat for Humanity <br />Mr. Dean Johnson, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, has <br />requested the county surplus the livestock barn and the show ring building <br />for the purpose of allowing Habitat to deconstruct these buildings and <br />recycle the building materials. Habitat will then resell, the salvaged <br />materials through their Restore program. Revenues from the Restore program <br />are used to help Habitat expand its capacity to fulfill their mission. <br />