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October 20, 2008 (Regular Meeting) <br />Page 993 <br />confidential information is also protected by these guidelines. The <br />policy will be re-evaluated periodically and updated as needed. <br />Destruction of Records: Cabarrus County will seek the approval of the <br />North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Historical <br />Resources, for the destruction of paper records that have been scanned <br />in accordance with this policy. Approval will be requested and <br />recorded on the "Request for Disposal of Original Records Duplicated by <br />Electronic Means" form. A new form will be submitted each time a new <br />series of records is scanned. Destruction of the original paper record <br />will occur only after imaging and quality control assurance procedures <br />have been completed, necessary corrections have been made, auditing <br />procedures conducted, and the destruction is approved. <br />The paper originals of records series scheduled as "permanent" in the <br />County Management Schedule will not be destroyed unless a microfilm <br />preservation duplicate is created prior to destruction. <br />The original paper record will be shredded on Cabarrus County <br />Government premises either by department staff or by a third party <br />certified vendor. Security backups of all imaged documents will be <br />generated nightly and maintained off site. A listing of all records <br />imaged will be kept along with a listing of the dates of destruction. <br />Cabarrus County Information Technology Department will maintain optical <br />disks containing scanned records for the specified retention periods <br />according to the County Management Schedule published by the North <br />Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Historical <br />Resources. One set of optical disks will be considered the Cabarrus <br />County's official record. Any hard copy generated from the official <br />record will be considered a reference or working copy. <br />Training: Key imaging operators have received training in the use of <br />equipment. Cabarrus County staff assigned to imaging will be trained <br />in the correct procedures for imaging, viewing imaged documents, and <br />reproducing imaged documents. <br />Audits: Managerial staff for the county departments whose records are <br />maintained according to the County Management Schedule will <br />periodically audit imaged records for accuracy, readability, and <br />reproduction capabilities. Original paper records will not be <br />destroyed until a sampling of those records have been audited for <br />system's accuracy. A written audit report will be prepared indicating <br />the sampling of records produced and what remedial procedures were <br />followed if the expected level of accuracy was not achieved. <br />Audit Trails: Documentation of all imaging activities is maintained by <br />Cabarrus County Information Technology Department through audit trails <br />built into the imaging system to protect the department from potential <br />fraud or any other unauthorized acts, as well as authenticity of the <br />records. <br />Audit trail includes: <br />Applications: Create/Delete/Modify <br />Index: Create, Delete, Modify <br />Pages: Add, Delete, View/Print/Export/Mail <br />Batches: Create, Delete, Batch import/scan, Batch Index <br />Batch Page: Add, Delete, Attach to a document <br />Query: Execute <br />User: Login/Logout <br />Group: Create/Delete/Modify <br />Documentation: Procedures: Written procedures describing the process <br />followed to produce and reproduce an automated record will be <br />maintained, followed, and updated as needed to assure reliable system <br />documentation will be available for judicial or similar proceedings. <br />Training: Documentation will be maintained for the distribution of <br />written procedures, training of individuals and other relevant <br />information, including dates. <br />Retention: One set of all system documentation, including documentation <br />describing how the system operates from a functional user and data <br />processing point of view, will be maintained permanently in the event a <br />court review is necessary. When system documentation changes, old <br />versions will be maintained for three years after discontinuance of <br />system and after all data (records) created by the system has been <br />