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December 1, 2008 (Organizational Meeting) Page 1069 <br />/s/ Robert W. Carruth <br />Robert W. Carruth <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 1st day of December, 2008. <br />/s/ Judge Martin B. McGee <br />Honorable Martin B. McGee <br />District Court Judge <br />After being sworn in, Commissioners Carruth and Poole expressed <br />appreciation to the voters and to their families for their support. <br />Administration of Oath to Office: Register of Deeds <br />Linda McAbee was re-elected as Register of Deeds. She and several <br />deputies were sworn in earlier in the day by the Honorable Donna H. Johnson, <br />District Court Judge. Her oath of office is as follows: <br />OATH OF OFFICE <br />FOR <br />REGISTER OF DEEDS <br />CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />I, Linda F. McAbee, do solemnly <br />maintain the Constitution and laws <br />and laws of North Carolina, not <br />faithfully discharge the duties of <br />County, SO HELP ME GOD. <br />>wear (or affirm) that I will support and <br />of the United States, and the Constitution <br />inconsistent therewith, and that I will <br />my .office as Register of Deeds of Cabarrus <br />/s/ Linda F. McAbee <br />Linda F. McAbee <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br />Signed and sworn to before me this day by Linda F. McAbee. <br />Date: December 1, 2008 /s/ Donna H. Johnson <br />Donna H. Johnson <br />District Court Judge <br />Closing Comments by Chairman White <br />Chairman White thanked the audience for attending the reception and <br />swearing-in ceremony. He invited the audience to attend the organizational <br />meeting and agenda work session in the Commissioners' Meeting Room. <br />Organizational Meeting - Call to Order <br />Chairman White called the organizational meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. <br />The Honor Guard from the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department gave the <br />presentation of colors. Deputies participating in the ceremony were: <br />Detective Dean Vernon, Deputy Mike Elliott, Deputy Brian Isenhour and Deputy <br />Mike Shanahan. <br />Reverend Glenn L. Myers, Pastor from Epworth Methodist Church in <br />Concord, gave the invocation. <br />Hoard Organization <br />Chairman White turned the meeting over to John Day, County Manager, who <br />presided over the organization of the Board. <br />Election of Chairman <br />John Day, County Manager, called for nominations for the position of <br />Chairman. <br />Commissioner Mynatt nominated Commissioner White. Commissioner White <br />accepted the nomination. <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commissioner Carruth <br />and unanimously carried, the Board voted to close nominations and elected <br />Commissioner White as Chairman of the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />by acclamation. <br />