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BC 2007 01 19 Retreat
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Meeting Minutes
BC 2007 01 19 Retreat
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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January 19, 2007 (Recessed Meeting - Retreat) Page 223 <br />requirements, ensure public safety, determine county needs, and provide <br />services that continually enhance quality of life." <br />5. How should Cabarrus County Government carry out its mission? <br />Board members identified four core values to guide how county <br />government should carry out its mission: accountable/responsible; <br />collaborative; integrity (principled); and respect. <br />Vision, Goals and Guiding Principles - Crafting a Shared Vision for Cabarrus <br />County Government <br />Next, Mr. Boyle asked Board members to answer a series of questions to <br />help develop a shared vision into the future. The questions were as follows: <br />1. What do you value about Cabarrus and what makes Cabarrus <br />"Cabarrus?" <br />Board responses were as follows: "it's like a breath of fresh air"; a <br />sense of community,=bf'connection - "we belong"; civic-minded; "familyness"; <br />feels like home; it's history and heritage as an agricultural and mill <br />community; its roots - extended families; no frills, not fancy, middle-class <br />- "what you see is what you get"; physical beauty; proud, strong-willed - <br />"the Cabarrus way"; religion and faith; value and preserve our identity - <br />physical, cultural, heritage; we stand on our own; we're conservative - <br />reticent to change for change's sake; and we're not Charlotte. <br />2. What major issues and challenges does county government face in <br />creating and sustaining, the Cabarrus you described? <br />Board responses were as follows: accommodating differences in culture, <br />background, speech, and expectations that newcomers bring; adapting to the <br />new economy; homogenization; immigration and in-migration; loss of tree <br />cover; newcomers bring .new ways - not the Cabarrus way; sprawl, density and <br />congestion; transient population with less identification with Cabarrus; and <br />what makes Cabarrus "Cabarrus" is being diluted through growth. <br />3. How would you like to see county government respond to these issues and <br />challenges in order topreserve what you value about Cabarrus County, what is <br />your vision for Cabarrus County, what difference do you want county <br />government to make, what should Cabarrus County government aspire to and what <br />legacy do you wish to leave as a board for those who will follow you? <br />Board responses were as follows: assist organizations and institutions <br />in making the transformation from the old Cabarrus to the new Cabarrus, e.g., <br />NorthEast Medical Center; collaborate with transportation planning and <br />decision making entities to strengthen our ability to influence <br />transportation decisions about where roads should go and when; continually <br />enhance quality education; create arts, dining, retail, and cultural <br />opportunities and activities to build stronger connections with transient <br />residents; create jobs and economic opportunities to strengthen connections <br />with residents who work outside the county; create opportunities for the <br />Board of Commissioners to have substantive public discussions about <br />significant county issues and to learn more about these issues from county <br />staff and other stakeholders; educate residents about the new economy; engage <br />builders, developers, and other interested parties to create a dynamic vision <br />of what Cabarrus should/will look like in 15-20 years and how to get there; <br />guide growth that enhances physical beauty and a sense of community; help <br />residents make the shift from the old physical/labor economy to the new brain <br />economy; inform and educate the public and other public officials, e.g., <br />legislative delegation, about critical issues, needs, and concerns affecting <br />the county, making sure to represent the full range and diversity of views <br />and opinions; lead and facilitate a countywide planning process that includes <br />municipalities and all other stakeholders to address school capacity needs <br />and minimize less desirable short-term reactions and changes; move beyond <br />replacing the mill economy with a sales/retail economy that creates less <br />wealth; and work to more closely align county and municipal land use/planning <br />to achieve a common vision for Cabarrus and minimize development that runs <br />counter to this vision.. <br />Draft Vision Statement <br />Based on the above responses, the Board drafted the following vision <br />statement: "Our vision for Cabarrus is a county in which our children learn, <br />
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