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<br /> <br />March 21, 2005 (Regular Meeting) <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br />129 <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall reviewed the County's practice of accepting some type of <br />contribution (e.g., land for school, sewer line, direct cash, etc.) to <br />address school inadequacies. The practice began in 1998 when the developer of <br />the Highland Creek Subdivision contributed $400,000.00 toward the purchase of <br />a school site. Initially, the Planning and Zoning Commission would deny a <br />subdivision and it would be appealed to the Board. If the school adequacy <br />issue could be addressed, the Board would approve the subdivision and enter <br />into a Consent Agreement with the developer. In January 2003, the Planning <br />and Zoning commission began to approve developments that met all technical <br />requirements with the condition that the developer enter into a Consent <br />Agreement with the Board to address school facility needs. Mr. Marshall <br />stated the Planning and Zoning Commission denied the Wellington Chase <br />Subdivision from both a technical standpoint and adequate public facilities. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County School Board Chair Liz Poole responded to questions <br />regarding the language of Mr. Kluttz's school capacity letter for Wellington <br />Chase as compared to previous letters. She explained that Mr. Kluttz was <br />trying to address more specific areas versus the county-wide capacity for <br />schools. Also, she reported plans by the schools to begin updating its <br />Fifteen-Year Facility Plan on a six-month basis rather than annually. <br /> <br />Mr. Day reported the adequate public facilities ordinance simply states <br />that a development may not be permitted unless there are adequate public <br />facilities to support it. He stated there are two ways to deal with the <br />ordinance: denying the development until there are adequate facilities such <br />as schools in this case, or allowing the developer to advance adequacy. Mr. <br />Day also questioned the potential for problems that could be raised as a <br />result of the Board's change in practice and suggested some research in the <br />legal issues of the case. <br /> <br />Mr. Hartsell responded to questions regarding the adequate public <br />facilities ordinance, including the 2004 legislation that extended school <br />adequacy review to the cities. He also addressed issues related to changing <br />the practice related to the approval of subdivisions. <br /> <br />UPON SUBSTITUTE MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by <br />Commissioner Juba with vice Chairman Carruth, Commissioner Juba and Chairman <br />Carpenter voting for and commissioners Freeman and Privette voting against, <br />the Board tabled the appeal of the Wellington Chase Subdivision C05-06 (S) <br />until the regular meeting in April. <br /> <br />(G-5) Proposed Restructuring of the Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning <br />Commission <br /> <br />vice Chairman Carruth presented the proposal to modify the manner in <br />which members are appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Members <br />would be changed from township representatives to district representatives <br />based on established planning areas of Cabarrus County. Items for <br />consideration included: zoning text changes, an appointment policy for <br />Planning and Zoning Commission membership, a map of the county planning <br />areas, a list of current commission members indicating the districts they now <br />represent and the proposed district in which they reside, and the populations <br />of the current districts and the proposed districts. <br /> <br />UPON MOTION of Vice Chairman Carruth, seconded by Commissioner Privette <br />and unanimously carried, the Board voted to forward the proposed <br />modifications to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and comments. <br /> <br />(G-6) <br /> <br />Offer for the Purchase of County Property <br /> <br />Mr. <br />regarding <br />Building. <br />session. <br /> <br />Day reported he would be meeting with the interested parties <br />offers on the former fairgrounds property and the First Union <br />Further information will be presented at the April 4th work <br /> <br />(H) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES <br /> <br />(H-l) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council <br /> <br />UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Chairman Carpenter <br />and unanimously carried, the Board made the following appointments to the <br />Juvenile Crime Prevention Council as recommended by the Council: At-large- <br />Sonya Schmid, Roger Suclupe, Marian Thompson and Terri Stancil (replacing <br />Janice Carty); Mental Health - Stephan Tomlinson; Student - Ashley Green; <br />Faith Based Ronald Bushey; and County Manager (Designee) Marguerite <br />Barrett (replacing Cathie Straub). All terms will end June 30, 2005. <br />