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May 17, 2004 Page 456 <br /> <br />1. Respond within 60 days to a request for information from a <br /> potential shared-use Applicant; <br />2. Negotiate in good faith concerning future requests for shared <br /> use of the new Tower by other Telecommunications providers; <br />3. Allow shared use of the new Tower if another <br />Telecommunications provider agrees in writing to pay <br />reasonable charges. The charges may include, but are not <br /> limited to, a pro rata share of the cost of site selection, <br /> planning, project administration, land costs, site design, <br /> construction and maintenance financing, return on equity, less <br /> depreciation, and all of the costs of adapting the Tower or <br /> equipment to accommodate a shared user without causing <br /> electromagnetic interference. <br /> <br />Failure to abide by the conditions outlined above may be grounds for <br />revocation of the Conditional Use Permit for the Tower. <br /> <br />X) There shall be a pre-application meeting. The purpose of the pre- <br /> application meeting will be to address issues that will help to <br /> expedite the review and permitting process. A pre-application meeting <br /> shall also include a site visit if there has not been a prior site <br /> visit for the requested site. Costs of the County's consultants to <br /> prepare for and attend the pre-application meeting will be borne by <br /> the applicant. <br /> <br />Y) The holder of a Conditional Use Permit shall notify the County of any <br /> intended Modification of a Wireless Telecommunication Facility and <br /> shall apply to the County to modify, relocate or rebuild a Wireless <br /> Telecommunications Facility. <br /> <br />Z) In order to better inform the public, in the case of a new <br /> Telecommunication Tower, the applicant shall, prior to the public <br /> hearing on the application, hold a "balloon test". The Applicant shall <br /> arrange to fly, or raise upon a temporary mast, a minimum of a three <br /> (3) foot in diameter brightly colored balloon at the maximum height of <br /> the proposed new Tower. The dates, (including a second date, in case <br /> of poor visibility on the initial date) times and location of this <br /> balloon test shall be advertised by the Applicant in a local newspaper <br /> of general circulation seven (7) and fourteen (14) days in advance of <br /> the first test date in a newspaper with a general circulation in the <br /> County. At least fourteen (14) days in advance of the test date the <br /> Applicant shall provide the County with a list of residents and their <br /> mailing addresses, along with pre-addressed and stamped envelopes so <br /> the County may provide individual notices of the requested facility. At <br /> least fourteen (14) days in advance of the scheduled test date the <br /> Applicant shall inform the County, in writing, of the dates and times <br /> of the balloon test and the intended use of the property,. The <br /> Applicant shall also post a sign at the site stating the date and time <br /> of the test, which sign shall able to be read from a minimum of 50 feet <br /> distance. The balloon shall be flown for at least four consecutive <br /> hours sometime between 7:00 am and 4:00 PM on the dates chosen. The <br /> primary date shall be on a weekend, but in case of poor weather on the <br /> initial date, the secondary date may be on a weekday. (I would like to <br /> include a written notice to nearby property owners and a requirement to <br /> post a sign of the property regarding the test) <br /> <br />AA)The applicant will provide a written copy of an analysis, completed by <br /> a qualified individual or organization, to determine if the Tower or <br /> existing structure intended to support wireless facilities requires <br /> lighting under Federal Aviation Administration Regulation Part 77. This <br /> requirement shall be for any new tower or for an existing structure or <br /> building where the application increases the height of the structure or <br /> building. If this analysis determines, that the FAA must be contacted, <br /> then all filings with the FAA, all responses from the FAA and any <br /> related correspondence shall be provided in a timely manner. <br /> <br />Section 7. Location of Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. <br /> A) Applicants for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities shall locate, <br /> site and erect said Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in <br /> accordance with the following priorities, one 1) being the highest <br /> priority and seven (7) being the lowest priority. <br /> <br />1) On existing Towers or other structures without <br /> height of the tower or structure; <br />2) On County-owned properties; <br />3) On other publicly owned property <br /> <br />increasin9 the <br /> <br /> <br />