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~a~ 17, 2004 Pa~e 464 <br /> <br />the affected Wireless Telecommunications Facilities shall be developed <br />by the holder of the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the approval of <br />the County, and an agreement to such plan shall be executed by the <br />holder of the Conditional Use Permit and the County. If such a plan is <br />not developed, approved and executed within the ninety (90) day time <br />period, then the County may take possession of and dispose of the <br />affected Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in the manner provided <br />in this Section. <br /> <br />Section 28. Relief. <br />Any Applicant desiring relief, waiver or exemption from any aspect or <br />requirement of this Ordinance may request such at the pre-Application <br />meeting, provided that the relief or exemption is contained in the original <br />Application for either a Conditional Use Permit, or in the case of an <br />existing or previously granted Conditional Use Permit a request for <br />modification of its Tower and/or facilities. Such relief may be temporary or <br />permanent, partial or complete. However, the burden of proving the need for <br />the requested relief, waiver or exemption is solely on the Applicant to <br />prove. The Applicant shall bear all costs of the County in considering the <br />request and the relief, waiver or exemption. No such relief or exemption <br />shall be approved unless the Applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing <br />evidence that, if granted the relief, waiver or exemption will have no <br />significant affect on the health, safety and welfare of the County, its <br />residents and other service providers. <br /> <br />Section 29. Periodic Regulatory Review by the County. <br /> A) The County may at any time conduct a review and examination of this <br /> entire Ordinance. <br /> <br />B) If after such a periodic review and examination of this Ordinance, the <br /> County determines that one or more provisions of this Ordinance should <br /> be amended, repealed, revised, clarified, or deleted, then the County <br /> may take whatever measures are necessary in accordance with applicable <br /> Law in order to accomplish the same. It is noted that where warranted, <br /> and in the best interests of the County, the County may repeal this <br /> entire Ordinance at any time. <br /> <br />C) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (A) and (B) of this <br /> Section, the County may at any time and in any manner (to the extent <br /> permitted by Federal, State, or local law), amend, add, repeal, and/or <br /> delete one or more provisions of this Ordinance. <br /> <br />Section 30. Adherence to State and/or Federal Rules and Regulations. <br /> A) To the extent that the holder of a Conditional Use Permit for Wireless <br /> Telecommunications Facilities has not received relief, or is otherwise <br /> exempt, from appropriate State and/or Federal agency rules or <br /> regulations, then the holder of such a Conditional Use Permit shall <br /> adhere to, and comply with, all applicable rules, regulations, <br /> standards, and provisions of any State or Federal agency, including, <br /> but not limited to, the FAA and the FCC. Specifically included in this <br /> requirement are any rules and regulations regarding height, lighting, <br /> security, electrical and RF emission standards. <br /> <br />B) To the extent that applicable rules, regulations, standards, and <br /> provisions of any State or Federal agency, including but not limited <br /> to, the FAA and the FCC, and specifically including any rules and <br /> regulations regarding height, lighting, and security are changed and/or <br /> are modified during the duration of a Conditional Use Permit for <br /> Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, then the holder of such a <br /> Conditional Use Permit shall conform the permitted Wireless <br /> Telecommunications Facilities to the applicable changed and/or modified <br /> rule, regulation, standard, or provision within a maximum of twenty- <br /> four (24) months of the effective date of the applicable changed and/or <br /> modified rule, regulation, standard, or provision, or sooner as may be <br /> required by the issuing entity. <br /> <br />Section 31. Conflict with Other Laws. <br />Where this Ordinance differs or conflicts with other Laws, rules and <br />regulations, unless the right to do so is preempted or prohibited by the <br />County, State or federal government, this Ordinance shall apply. <br /> <br />Section 32. Effective Date. <br />This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage, pursuant to <br />applicable legal and procedural requirements. <br /> <br /> <br />