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April 21, 2003 Page 98 <br /> <br />accumulated sick leave has been exhausted, and/or (3) after the temporary disability has ended. <br />If an employee is temporarily disabled as a result of a pregnancy-related disability and has <br />exhausted all available leave and compensatory time, that employee shall be eligible to receive <br />leave without pay for personal disability under the provisions of Section 9-~22 of this article. <br /> <br />Reinstatement to the same position or one of like classification, seniority, and pay shall be <br />made upon the employee's return to work. ~ <br /> <br />Section ~725. Military Leave <br />Regular employees who are members of the National Guard or Armed Forces Reserve will be allowed <br />ten (10) workdays per calendar year military training leave. If the compensation received while <br />on military leave is less than the salary that would have been earned during this same period as <br />a County employee, the employee shall receive partial compensation equal to the difference in the <br />base salary earned as a reservist or guardsman and the salary that would have been earned during <br />this same period as a County employee. The effect will be to maintain the employee's salary at <br />the normal level during this period. If such military duty is required beyond this ten (10) <br />workday period, the employee shall be eligible to take accumulated annual leave, or be placed in <br />a leave-without-pay status. Reservists called to active duty, with no training period preceding <br />the active duty, shall be allowed to charge up to ten days per year of active, duty as military <br />training and receive pay for these days. While taking military leave with partial pay or without <br />pay, the employee's leave credits and other non-monetary benefits shall continue to accrue as if <br />the employee physically remained with the County during this period. Regular employees who are <br />guardsmen and reservists have all job rights specified in the Veterans Readjustment Assistance <br />ACt and the ~liformed Services En~loyment and Reen~lo}~ent Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA). <br /> <br />Section ~29. Civil Leave <br />A regular County employee called for jury duty, or as court witness for the federal or State <br />governments or a subdivision thereof, shall receive leave with pay for such duty during the <br />required absence without charge to accumulated annual or sick leave. <br /> <br />An employee may keep fees and travel allowances received for jury or witness duty in addition to <br />regular compensation, except that employees must turn over to the County any witness fees or <br />travel allowances awarded by that court for court appearances in connection with official duties. <br />while on civil leave, benefits and leave shall accrue as though on regular duty. <br /> <br />Section ~930. Educational Leave <br />An educational leave of absence, with or without pay, may be granted to a regular full-time <br />employee to take one course per semester or term which will better equip the employee to perform <br />job related duties. Each request would have to be approved by the department head and the County <br />Manager. Leave will be granted to only attend institutions accredited by the Southern Association <br />of Colleges and Schools. An employee granted educational leave with pay shall agree in writing to <br />return to their regular work schedule with the county upon completion of training and to remain <br />in the employ of the county for a period equal to twice the educational leave received, or to <br />reimburse the county for all compensation received while on educational leave and tuition costs <br />reimbursed to the employee for the course. <br /> <br />An employee on educational leave with full pay shall continue to earn leave credits and any other <br />benefits to which county employees are entitled. An employee on educational leave with partial <br />pay shall earn proportional leave credits and benefits. <br /> <br />Employees who are eligible for the eEducational ~Incentive pProgram Article III, Section 14, ao I <br />~-^~ in ..... ~ .... ~-~ -~ ~^ are not eligible for educational leave with pay. <br /> <br />RciT~urscmcnt fsr Tuition Moved to Article III, Section 15 <br />............... ~.~ may rcccivc ........................ ,-, ccur~c at a timc ~ .......... = ~"~ <br />take~--e~t~ide-e~-wor~ing hours}-whleh-wi~b-bettem-equlp-~he-empteyee--~e--per-~e~m-ass&gned-~tics, <br />subjeot--bo-the approval--el- the-departmeat-he~ad-and-~he ~Count-y--Mana~e~=--The co~m~y-shaA~-reimbur~e <br /> <br />~.~ .......... a ................... ccm cticn assing ~ .......... ~ , ............ ~-~ <br /> <br />Section ~31. Adverse Weather Conditions <br />The public's need for the availability of governmental services dictates that county offices <br />should attempt to remain open during all normally scheduled hours. While severe weather may <br />impact upon the ability to fully staff each function, every function should attempt to provide at <br />least a base level of response. <br /> <br />To avoid inconvenience to the public, County employees should attempt to report for their normal <br />job functions at scheduled times. It is realized that severe weather conditions may restrict some <br />employees from reporting on time or at all. But some functions of county government, such as the <br />emergency services, require full staffing at all times and contingency plans should be made <br />accordingly. <br /> <br />Adverse weather affects everyone's personal situation differently, so each employee must evaluate <br />the severity of the circumstances and use his/her best judgment. County employees are not <br />expected to put themselves or their property unnecessarily at risk. Available compensatory time <br />and/or appropriate leave will be taken in order to leave work early, to delay arrival at work, or <br />in the case when an employee does not report to the job because of inclement weather. The County <br />Manager may authorize vacation leave use for an adverse weather incident that results i~ a <br />negative vacation leave accrual balance not to exceed 24 hours. <br /> <br />Section ~-~32. Volunteer Service Leave <br />Ail County-employees who are members of emergency volunteer service organizations shall receive <br />leave with pay for such required absence under emergency circumstances without charge to <br />accumulated leave, with approval of the County Manager. <br /> <br />Second Memorandum Dated April 11 <br />subject: Proposed Personnel Ordinance Revisions <br /> <br /> <br />