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April 21, 2003 Page 96 <br /> <br />Sick leave credited to regular and probationary employees scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours <br />during the calendar year but fewer hours than the basic work week shall be determined in <br />accordance with the formula set forth in Scot!Ch !gSection 20 of this Article. <br /> <br />Section 14. Advance Sick Leave <br />The--department head~-- with -the--approva~ of -tThe County Manager, may advance sick leave to an <br />employee who has exhausted sick leave because of a major operation or illness. This advanced sick <br /> ~ ..... ~'~ ........ ~ -~-~ ycar80 hours, <br />leave may not exceed thc amount an cmplcycc can carn <br />except with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />At the time of an employee's separation, any sick leave owed the County shall be deducted from <br />the employee's final compensation or collected from him/her af not available ~n h~s/her final <br />compensation. <br /> <br />Section-l-%15. Sick Leave - Maximum Accumulation <br />Sick leave will be cumulative for an indefinite period. <br /> <br />Section t~16. Sick Leave - Physician's Certificate <br />The employee's supervisor or department head may require a physician's certificate concerning the <br />nature of the illness and/or employee's physical capacity to resume duties for,each occasion on <br />which an employee uses sick leave to insure that there is no abuse of sick leave privileges. <br /> <br />Section 1617. Sick Leave - Retirement Credit for Accumulated Sick Leave <br />One (1) month of retirement credit is allowed for each twenty (20) days and part thereof accrued <br />in an employee's sick leave account at time of retirement to employees who are members of the <br />North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System or Law Enforcement officers' <br />Benefit and Retirement Fund. T-he ~-maximum--number- of siek--days--~ha~--ma~--~e--adaXe~--under---~-%~-is <br /> <br />Section t-718, sick Leave - Credit for Accumulation From Previous Employment <br />Employees whose date of employment with Cabarrus County is subsequent to the effective date of <br />this Ordinance and who were previously employed by a governmental entity in North Carolina will <br />receive credit with Cabarrus County for up to twenty (20) days sick leave accumulated at that <br />entity provided that verification of that accumulated sick leave is received from the entity and <br />that the employee was not reimbursed for these days. This only applies to governmental entities <br />that were the employees place of employment immediately prior to their employment with Cabarrus <br />County. <br /> <br />Section 1819. Sick Leave - Previous Leave Credit <br />Sick leave credits accumulated by each County employee shall be retained as of the effective date <br />of this policy. <br /> <br />Section {-920. Calculation of Holiday Lcavc, Annual Leave, and Sick Leave for Part time F~loyees <br /> <br />Roti~ay--teave- ore~i~ed -to-~empo~ary- and--rec3utar employees,--and aAnnual leave and sick leave <br />credited to regular and probationary employees scheduled to work at least 1,000 hours during the <br />calendar year and having a work week with fewer than the basic work week, shall be determined in <br />accordance with the following formula: <br /> <br />(~) The number of hours worked by such an employee in their normal work week shall be <br /> divided by the number of hours in the basic work week of a regular full-time employee <br /> in a like or similar position <br />(b) The percentage obtained in step (a) shall be used to obtain the prorated amount of <br /> leave earned da~ly (for kolid~y ica-;c) and biweekly and yearly (for sick and at, ual <br /> lcavc). <br /> <br />Section ~921. Family Medical Leave Act <br />Federal legislation made the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) effective on Auqust 5, 1993. A <br />copy of a Department of Labor publication summarizing employee rights under the Act is attached <br />at Appendix I. <br /> <br />In compliance with the FMLA, Cabarrus County provides up to 12 weeks of job protected leave <br />(unpaid if accrued paid leave time is not available) to employees if they have worked for the <br />County for a least one year and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months. <br /> (a) Eligible employees may use FMLA leave for the following events or conditions: <br /> <br />For the birth of a son or daughter or to care for the child after birth; <br /> <br />For placement of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care or to care for the child <br />after placement; <br /> <br />To care for the employee's spouse, son, daughter or parent (but not a parent "in-law") <br />with a serious health condition; <br /> <br />Because of a serious health condition that makes the employees unable to perform the <br />functions of the job. <br /> <br />The twelve (12) month period for determining leave entitlement will be a rolling 12 month <br />period. The 12 months immediately preceding the current leave request will determine the <br />entitlement. Eligible employees are entitled to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid FMLA leave <br />less any leave used for a qualifying FMLA purpose during the preceding twelve (12 ) <br />months. Employees may not take more than twelve weeks unpaid/paid leave for a qualifying <br />FMLA purpose in any 12 month period, unless the employee has accrued paid leave in excess <br />of that amount and has management approval to use it or take leave without pay. <br /> <br />(b) The use of paid leave for a purpose defined in the FMLA will qualify toward the time <br />the County is required to make available to an employee eligible for leave under the Act. <br />As in any leave situation, County employees will use all available paid leave time before <br />being allowed to use unpaid leave. Employees may request the use of all accrued available <br />paid leave benefits, according to policy, even if it exceeds the 12 week maximum under <br />the FMLA. If the available paid leave is not sufficient to cover the leave requested for <br />a FMLA purpose, maximum 12 weeks in any 12 month period, the remaining leave is unpaid <br />leave. <br /> <br /> <br />